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9 months post SAH



I had a NASAH on last new years eve. To cut a long story rather short, there was no cause found, no significant treatment required etc. I feel better with each month that passes but am now at 9 months and still feel unable to return to work which is starting to bother me. I struggle with fatigue, feeling off balance, headache and neck ache, irritability when tired. My job is 12 hour shifts and is really stressful and I'm so worried that I'm not ready but at the same time feel like I should be as it has been 9 months.... surely I should be fit to go back by now?

Kathie :)

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Hi Kathie,


I had an SAH and I get tired a lot xx nature of the beast I guess.  Never give up as we have all had down days and days where we are so tired we cannot do much.


It gets better as the years go on so listen to your brain/body and take it slower xx


Not nice that we get shattered quicker than before xx My short term memory  is bad now days xx but I am an oldun ha ha xx


You are in early days of recovery so take your time and pace self xx  This site is a good place to come as it has helped my Daughter when I was in cuckoo land and now me.


We are not alone xxxx  keep going and try and manage a smile when poss xxxxx Good luck to you

Winb143  xxx


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Hi Kathie,


Everyone is different and 9 months is not unusual.  If you do go back to work, discuss a phased return.  Take regular breaks, stay hydrated and rest when you need to.  If you can delegate work, then do so.  Whatever you do, don't bluff, they will see straight through it.


Think about going part-time or reducing hours, at least temporarily.  If, and it's a big if, it is too much, then analyse what you are doing and think about changing your job.  Stress is the last thing you need right now!


Don't forget, this is your brain you are talking about, it is at the centre of everything you do.  The symptoms you describe are very common amongst us survivors. You can get round them to a certain extent but you need to accept that change may be inevitable. Changing your job is not the end of the world - in fact it might just provide the fillip you need to push on and enjoy the rest of your life.


Put 'Back to Work' in the search box and have a look at that thread for lots more information.


I hope all goes well for you.



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Hi Kathie

i know just what you mean. I'm 4 months out with similar event and struggle. Demanding high stress job and discouraged. People on this site have been so helpful. Take the best care of yourself that you can. 


Vermont girl

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Hi Kathie,


Mine was New Years Eve too, and 9 months isn't long at all in the recovery after SAH. You say you don't feel ready to go back to a stressful 12 hour shift at work - and that worries you. I wouldn't be ready either - I think that is far too tough on you right now, and if I were you I would wait until you do feel ready. As Macca says - maybe you should think about reducing those hours, or finding a less stressful job. Stress is bad enough in recovery, but 12 hours of it are asking for trouble.  I was told that it could take up to 2 years to recover, I'm doing well but am now suffering with insomnia.  There is no way I would be ready to go and do a 12 hr shift. Wishing you well with whatever you decide - but listen to what your body is telling you. X

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Hi Everyone


Thankyou for all your replies and words of support, it does really help.


Macca I wish I could reduce my hours. My boss wont allow an alteration in the shift patterns, it's 12 hours or nothing in that job, so I'd have to find another post. It's either go back to that job or get another one and do shorter shifts but more of them. Ideally I'd like to reduce my hours but as I'm living on my own I'm not sure I can manage financially. It's a massive worry. I think maybe I need citizens advice or something. I'll take a look at the 'back to work' thread though, thank you for suggesting it.


Misty, sounds as though we both had the worst new years eve ever! I started to suffer with insomnia and poor sleep patterns about 2 months ago also. I found that I was exhausted in the mornings but could do a workout at 11pm. I seem to have made some improvement by forcing myself to correct my sleep pattern. I make sure I get up about 7am during the week and dont nap during the day so that I am ready for sleep by about 10pm and although I rarely sleep right through, it does help. Are you back at work yet?

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Hi Kathie


If  you are in the U.K. You need to take advice re your work. Your employer has to make reasonable adjustments to enable you to return to your job and refusing to alter hours is not reasonable considering what you have been through.  Speak to citizens advice as they should be able to help. 


However as Macca says a change of job is not a bad thing. I have changed twice since my SAH something I never thought I would do at my age but it has been necessary. Don't discount any options but definitely take advice. 


Keep us posted. 

Clare xx

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