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SAH nearly 5 weeks ago passed out on the toilet!


Hi, I suffered a SAH suddenly on an ordinary Wednesday night at home and fell unconscious whilst in the bathroom.  I was lucky my partner was nearby, heard me hit the floor and called an ambulance. I had the worst headache ever, felt like an explosion and I knew something catastrophic had happened.  I couldn't speak at first it felt like a nightmare.  I had surgery the next day via my groin to fit coils and was in hospital for 8 days.


I'm now at home recovering and glad to have found this forum, feels like there are so many things happening but I can now read other experiences and share mine so I don't feel so alone with it.


I've had a lot of strange things happening in my ears, high pitched noises sound electronic, music sounds distorted (like when you yawn) and I was having sounds in my head I can only describe as like living in a ship's engine room or sometimes having an orchestra in my head - wahhhhh!  I've been really sensitive to light too but starting to improve now....


Biggest issues are with tiredness and headaches.

Hoping to continue recovering well and get back to the gym and driving at some point over the coming weeks / months.



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Hi Jen :)


A very warm welcome to BTG.

So glad you found us. You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum and lots of caring support.


Feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room, we are a friendly bunch.

Wishing you well with your ongoing recovery and look forward to hearing more from you.


Take care

Tina xx   

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Hi Jen,


This site is good, helped my Daughter and now me xx


I had the same as you but lucky for me I remember nothing about it due to Hydrocephalus.  


I get the buzzing echo sounds and like a buzzing or holding a shell up to ear and then other noises think it must be part of our brain getting its own back lol


Make the most of healing as when you get better they forget what you have been through and it's nice to be spoilt lol 


Wishing you all the best 


Winb143 alias Win ... Singing helps me but not my family xxxx 


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Hello Jen,

Welcome to BTG.
Tiredness is one of the common side-effects that I see, rest and relax whilst you can.

My hubby suffered a SAH one year back.


Re: the noises in the ear, have you had a chance to speak with your GP yet, he will be able to refer you to the ENT specialist, that will be able to help.

Re: relaxing, run a bath whenever possible - it helps to relax and generally let go too :)



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My goodness same thing for me August 2017 with my SAH. happen while I was with my Dad at the ER.  He was there for what he felt was a heart attack which turned out to be a panic attack. while they were putting the leads on him I went to the restroom..  While I was doing my business I suddenly got a severe headache and what felt like a large dizzy / drunk droop. i started banging on the walls and screaming the best I could for help.

next thing I knew I was being placed in a helicopter bound from Alexandria,LA to Tulane Hospital in New Orleans. 


Was there for three and a half weeks. Headaches were horrible and double vision was crazy. i was able to walk after 10 days (slowly). I felt dizzy all the time. at some points I was told I thought the year was 2012 and got other information wrong. Lucky things started coming back quickly and I recovered quickly. Its now been 5 months and so far the dizzy finally  when down to about 5 percent from 90% all time.


Headaches finally went away for the most part however it was horrible for the first 3 months. Now my new thing for some reason is fear of re-bleed although I have read that is very uncommon. Still even rotating my head is sometimes feels very scary. I don't share this with other people for the most part but the fear is real. However with each month that goes by It is seeming better to deal with. I'm back at work and driving.


sometimes i get strange feelings in my head but they say its normal.


Best wishes to you my friend.







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I was afraid that I had outlived my life expectancy and was not ready for death. !!.

Was so scared to be honest


Think when we have a bleed it makes us think life is too short to worry about mundane things.


I came on here and saw people laughing and joking about what they did weekend and it made me realize there is a life after Bleeds/Sah etc xx.


So Jen and Jason welcome to the survivors club and remember we made it,  all being a few drill holes short or a scar or two.  We are here xxxx 


Have a good weekend All (That's an order lol ) xxxxx


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