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Behind The Gray Forum Rules


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Behind The Gray Forum Rules

1. Be polite

Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing others in any way will not be tolerated.

2. Keep it clean

Posting pornographic or offensive text, such as swear words or their abbreviations, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to the post being removed and may lead to the offending member being permanently banned without warning. Inappropriate posts can be reported to the Team Members by clicking on the "report post" icon which appears on every post .

3. Do not offer medical advice.

Advice of a strictly medical nature should only be given by a medical professional. Whilst it is acceptable to mention any drugs that you take, or your treatment and your experiences of them, they should not be recommended to other users; this also includes herbal remedies, as many have side effects and can interact with prescribed medicines.

4. Do not post Spam

This includes promotion of any type of commercial service. Users promoting commercial services may have their posts or links removed. It may, however, be acceptable to post such links when another user has requested information.

5. Advertising of other websites

Behindthegray is not a platform to advertise or promote your own or other websites/chat rooms/forums. If you would like us to add a link to your website, please contact us and we will consider each individual case on its own merit. Should a website be of particular interest to a user in a forum post or chat discussion, BTG has no objections to you providing a link on occasion as long as it is not done to excess and is of full relevance to the context of the discussion.

6. Do not post copyrighted material

This includes the text of articles from other websites or sources. If you think that information from other sites may be useful post a link to the source. Short extracts or phrases are acceptable, but please do remember to quote the source or acknowledge the rightful author.

7. Formatting of posts

Members should post in a manner that is consistent with normal writing, ie. entire posts should not be all bold text, all large text or ALL CAPS. Those members with visual impairments should use their browser controls to enlarge the text or contact a member of the team for help. Smilies should only be used where appropriate and should not be overused. No text speak please. Different font styles/coloured fonts are only acceptable in the Green Room. When you post on the other BTG forums, we expect members to use the default font style, which is Verdana and black text, which is automatically set.

8. Personal information

For your own personal protection, please do not include your private telephone number, email address or home address on a post. If you need to pass on your contact details, please use the private private message system (PM) or e-mail.

9. Stay on topic

The place for general chit chat, jokes, poems, etc. is in The Green Room. All other posts should relate to the forum and topic in which they appear. Posts that appear to go completely "off topic" will be edited or deleted in full by our Moderators. Please remember to start a new topic, when appropriate.


The administrators and moderators (the Team Members) reserve the right to edit or remove any post at any time. The determination of what is construed as acceptable or not as noted in these rules is up to the Team Members and not the users. Repeated violations of the above rules may lead to the user being warned or banned from the forums.

Whilst any links in posts will be checked for suitability, Behind The Gray cannot be held responsible for any external content linked to from these forums.

We’re a relaxed and friendly bunch, so by following these simple rules it will ensure that your experience at Behind The Gray is a happy and supportive one.

Behindthegray Admin Team

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