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subzero last won the day on February 20 2023

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    Sport-(watching rather than participating now)Football, Golf, Athletics

    World travel

    Reading-Gardening-Having a latte as often as possible with my wife (she had SAH 5/2011)

    Late learner for Washing & Ironing, Hoovering, Dusting, Washing up-

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  1. Hi Daffodil and thanks for your anniversary post 12 years on. A tough and challenging recent past for you and delighted to hear you are so positive about the future. Your two girls will have grown up so much. How are the four legged pooches doing? ? ... and of course 'James' is behaving too no doubt ? 😊 Take care and enjoy these relaxing times paddling on the waterways. Subs
  2. Well done Tina 16 years on. As you say those years fly past so quickly Thank you so much for your support on BTG over the years with your friendly help and encouragement. Probably you don't remember too much about that unwanted intrusion on your Christmas plans all these years ago. 😊 Have a good one this year. Subs
  3. Hello Colleen and also well done 15 years on. 😊 Yes, time does have that effect given the highs and lows of coming to terms with life and 'recovery' post SAH. Take care and thanks too for your involvement with BTG. Subs
  4. Hello Louise and well done 24 years on. You and Ronnie have so much to be proud of as you've both negotiated so many years of recovery. You are right, it is very much a joint effort to live through the highs and lows of these early years and beyond. Coping and adjusting to the changes SAH has forced on you takes courage, determination and sensitivity beyond your wildest dreams. Patience and relationships are often stretched to breaking point. So glad you were there too for Ronnie. Puting together your post (so well written) shows your amazing recovering when you consider the difficulties you faced posting in those early days as a BTG member. Over the years your input, advice and support to others have been such a valued part of what the BTG community is all about. Thank you for your frankness and keep on keeping on. 😊 Subs
  5. Hello Jess and a big WELL DONE twenty one years on. Thanks for sharing. So many challenges during that time and you are an inspiration to others with your determination to fight for your health and for your special family unit. Great to see how well your lads have supported you as they too have faced their challenges of growing up into 'young men'. Your are right to be so proud of them. Subs
  6. Hello Karin.... worth having a second read of Clare's comment. You suffered from brain trauma in December, and had it been most other medical issues you might well expect a high degree of recovery. This is very different .... your brain doesn't follow these principals. You want everything to return to what it was pre bleed, however your brain has been damaged and may never recover fully.... Since your bleed, it has been carrying out alternative routes in its mind blowingly complicated work processes and your desire to be normal again may well put it under so much strain .... resulting in how you are now feeling. Clare suggests that being pragmatic and willing to accept that letting your brain somehow reroute.... in the knowledge that by doing so, tough but practical decisions will be required on your part.... Well maybe, just maybe that will require life and work balances having to be re-evaluated Worth Contemplating. Many members of BTG have faced similar issues with varied outcomes depending on the decisions they made. It's perfectly natural to have that desire for life as it was.... it's courageous to acknowledge that change may be the best 'policy'. 🤔 🤔 Subs PS Re. Computer screens ... Mrs Subs also mentioned that a colleague at work had his screen changed so that the background was black and the writing white ... interesting!
  7. Hi Karin and thanks for sharing. Mrs Subs working day involved much time spent in front of her PC screens. While she did not experience headaches, she was able to get her work to provide much larger screens which eased her viewing. Subs
  8. Hi Iola, also well done 10 years on. Congratulations ... a big milestone. Thanks for your post. Subs
  9. SM a big WELL DONE nineteen years on...many thanks for all your valuable input to BTG viewers along the way. We'll look forward to a virtual party this time next year. 😊 So much happening in recent years with weddings, Kizzy joining the family and sadly your husband's unexpected passing. Glad your love of the Eastern climes has not diminished .... and after all, 'Turkey' was never meant to be just for Christmas Day! 😁 Enjoy a wee celebration 'tittle' tonight. 😊 Subs
  10. Hello Dave and thanks for keeping in touch with us about your progress. Great to learn that your intense headaches have resided considerably. Your post suggests that you are willing to listen to what your brain and body are telling you and taking that 'longer term' view to recovery. Well done so far and you will not regret that important decision. MarkH clearly supports this from his own experience too. Many of our members have found that their GP simply does not have sufficient regular experience of NASAH patients to give adequate advice on recovery, and maintain contact with their original consultants. As far as returning behind the 'wheel' is concerned, our section on Driving Post SAH has copious information on this subject. It has always been important that post bleed the DVLA is advised and prior to driving again their confirmation is sought. Well done so far in these early days and given time you may be able to return to your running and more strenuous activities. Look after No 1 and you won't regret it. Also great to hear that your family are right behind you with their support 😊 Subs
  11. Hello Dave and a warm welcome to BTG. So glad you found the site so early after your bleed. As you will already have read, we do not give medical advice, however the support available in the form of members' posts about their experiences and the fact that you will get a sense that you are not alone as you come to terms with this life threatening trauma you have experienced. You major on how debilitating these headaches have been for you, and again headaches are one of the consequences of a bleed such as yours. While few survivors can be pain free, a lot of our members have to deal with headaches of varying degrees .... some for weeks...others for months ...and yes chronic headaches are a very real issue. The following BTG link is also found by using the search facility at the top right of our Homepage. https://web.behindthegray.net/search/?q=Headaches &quick=1 Simple actions can also reduce headaches such as drinking plenty water, limiting stress and building rest periods into your day especially following any exertions. You very wisely have decided to take a three month recovery plan and not to let your previous healthy exercising regime influence your thinking. More effort is less progress as a rule. So again welcome to our site and please introduce your family to it also. It will give them a greater understanding as to how their 'Dave' is feeling as you 'recover' . Subs
  12. Hello 'OldSteptoe' 😊 and welcome to the unique and exclusive world of BTG SAH and PMNASAH survivors and their families. We are here for support and do not provide medical advice. Thankyou for your highly structured insight into your twelve day journey post bleed. We are delighted you discovered the site so quickly, and have already found the personal accounts of some of our members a help in providing an insight into what may be expected, as you come to terms with this very challenging condition. It is very early days since your bleed, and with such an active, demanding vocation such as yours prior to your recent retirement, not to mention your physical exercising, the most important initial advice that will 'scream' from the various forums on BTG is .... your brain still needs time to heal. Although as in your case there may not be obvious evidence of damage... many of our members have discovered that as days lead to weeks lead to months, there are quite tough debilitating issues that result in the old 'normal' becoming rather elusive to say the least. So elementary first steps such as keeping well hydrated, resting often and limiting stresses and physical exercise .... these give you and your brain a fighting chance in your recovery journey. So we look forward to your updates from time to time and of course you will find reading the personal accounts of our members such a helpful insight. Finally I do hope that your final comment is not one that will have to rethink twelve months on. Take care and we wish you well as you begin your retirement. Subs
  13. Hello Pat and thanks for looking in on your 6th year post SAH. Well done in finding a work balance that you are happy with. Never an easy task given the varied limitations of SAH. It's great that BTG has played a valuable part in your recovery...especially during the early years, and keep up that positive attitude.😊 Subs
  14. Hello Claudette, thank you for sharing your thoughts on your 7th ani-versary. It must have been so tough knowing that not only had you a challenging recovery ahead following your SAH seven years ago, but then have to live with the knowledge of these four unruptured aneurysms too. Glad the medics are watching the widening aneurysm carefully and wish you well as you meet the next challenge of further surgery. Take care and stay strong. Subs
  15. Karen, congratulations on an amazing 17 years for you. Goes to prove that good can be the result of such physical and emotional trauma. A big thank you for somehow finding the courage and determination to set up BTG and more so to keep it on track while dealing with your own highs and lows. Remarkable lady indeed. 😊 Subs
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