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A crease on your ear lobe - called 'Franks Sign'

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A crease line on your earlobe (known as Franks Sign) is purported to be a tell-tale sign of a stroke and heart disease (I'm obviously focused more on the stroke example being a survivor of an SAH).


The Daily Mail (see link here:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4548952/Ear-lobe-crease-tell-tale-sign-stroke.html  said that scientists who examined 241 people who had experienced a stroke found more than three-quarters of them had the mark. It's thought that clogging of the arteries which increases the risk of a stroke also leads to poor blood supply to the ear lobes causing loss of elasticity and creasing. The American Journal of Medicine said 78 of 88 patients who suffered a full-blown stroke (88%) had creased ear lobes.

Other sources say an earlobe crease is a potential indicator of coronary artery disease and/or diabetes. 


My SAH happened back in Feb 2012 and I suffer a small amount of weakness on my right hand side of my body and the odd night twitches, but otherwise made a full recovery (one of the lucky ones) although I had hydrocephalus complications and needed my brain draining twice at the time.


I have a crease on my left ear. I wonder how many other SAH survivors have a crease on their earlobe too?




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My ear lobes have become longer and well creases at my age is a must..


My left ear was pierced twice as he messed up the first time, put it down to that lol.


Hmm interesting  xxx


Thanks Snooty and Karen xxx Better stop blaming the ear guy after all these years ha ha 



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Win, funny that you say that about ear piercing .... my Doc did my ear piercing when I was 16, as I had an allergy to certain metals. Unfortunately, he pierced the left lobe too far down, which is the one with the crease and I reckon that the weight of some of the earrings that I used to wear, has also added to the crease.....in fact it's now a V shape! 

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I definitely have a crease on my left ear lobe.

I had my SAH on 25th July this year and this is something my Mum mentioned to my Husband when I was in hospital. She had already known it was a sign of stroke, so was very concerned when she saw the crease.

I still have it and my ear lobe on the left side is different too.  Strange.....

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Thanks everyone for feedback - really appreciated.


Well so far it is 4 out of 6 people who, just like me, have a crease on just their left ear following an SAH - which is 66.67% (and below the American Journal of Medicine which ran at 88%) ...but it's still early days yet so I'm hoping for more responses!


I wonder if it's a fluke that for those who DO have a crease, it so far seems to be just on the left side? mmm.... interesting to see where this goes!


Wouldn't it be great if we could say this is a potential warning sign for others to get themselves checked in order to reduce morbidity levels for SAHs? :-) The only thing is, I don't actually remember if I had the crease before my SAH or after - do you? (if you do, please mention that in your response).

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You Lucky people, Ha ha


I have creases everywhere nowdays 


We could always blame the people who pierced our ears Karen !! hmmm.   But right about the weight xxx lol 


Be well All and anymore with creases do inform us  all xxxx My eyesight has got so bad I wouldn't see it  lol xxx


Love to All xxxxxxxxxxxxx I'll let Snooty work out percentages  xxxx

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Not only do I have a crease since my SAH, my lobe is almost folded at 90 degrees. It's quite prominent.

My Dad now has a crease and is going to get himself checked out just incase. He is not the healthiest of people and won't be told.

A bit annoying as I was the one to have the SAH ?

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