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Clara mac - new member

Clara mac

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Hi all I am new here.


I am just out of hospital 2 weeks due to taking 2 haemorrhages and they coiled my aneurysm in my forehead. I am finding it all overwhelming at how fast it all happened and don't have many people to talk to as family are used to me being the strong person.

I have had shooting pains in my neck today which only happened the night of my second bleed but I don't want to phone the hospital and annoy them.

Is this a normal thing to happen? Please 

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Hi Clara 


welcome to BTG glad you have found us. 

We all suffer lots of different aches and pains after our bleeds. Most of the time it is normal but if you are unsure please ring the hospital and ask. They won't think you are wasting their time and I am sure will be able to help you. Don't wait and let yourself stress about it as that won't help your recovery at all. You are really early days  and need all the reassurance you can get.


Please make that call and let us know how you get on. 


Clare xx

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If ever worried see Doc as Stress is bad for us and better to be safe than sorry  xx


Better to be a nuisance as it is all new to us and we do not know what's going on in our head.  I had a bloodshot eye and went to hospital, and when my nose bleeds I think "Uh oh Win"  


Come running to BTG and tell them my problems and feel better  just for sharing it xxx  


Listen to Clare as it is not worth stressing about  xx 


Good luck 


Win xxx Oh and welcome to BTG xxx


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Welcome  Clara, hope you do seek advice as others have suggested.  I had lots of terrible aches after my SAH and coiling, my legs and feet were really bad.  I also had shoulder pain which was found to be unrelated and was a frozen shoulder which later developed tendonitis. I had real bad heads and some awful crawling sensations in head,  It is extremely early days for you and after this shock you are naturally worried, this does take away your belief in being invincible.  You may have to let others be strong for awhile I certainly had to do this for a while.


Please never think you are a nuisance to your medical staff better be safe than worry needlessly.

i wish you well in your recovery keep us updated and members here are a great support.



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Welcome Clara,

You have come to a great place for support and advice.

It's still very early in your recovery and you will be feeling very fragile, don't ever be worried about seeking medical advice, if you think things aren't right speak to the hospital that was treating you, it will put your mind at rest.


Try to make sure you drink plenty of water, it really does help with headaches, also plenty of rest, your body and your brain have suffered trauma and they both need lots of time to recover.


Try to be kind to yourself, let others take on being strong for the family for now.


The recovery road can be a bumpy road at times, we will be here to help you as you start your recovery journey. You will find everyone is friendly and you will make a lot of new friends here.


Wishing you well


Michelle xx 

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Hi everyone thank you so, so much for your kind words.

I saw the Dr today who contacted my surgeon, as the pain in my head had also changed to the likeness of a heavy pressure on top of my head.

My surgeon said I will get the exact same pain I had previously if I have another bleed however he is more concerned of pressure build up which he feels could be a concern for me. So if the pain keeps getting worse I have to go back for another scan to rule this out. And I have to see my own GP every week until she is satisfied with my progress.  

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Hi Clara


glad you spoke to someone and got some answers. At least now you know you can go back should things not get better. 


Hope the head head pain stops soon though. Take care drink lots of water and rest. 


Keep us posted. 


Clare xx

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