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I had a SAH in July and a shunt fitted in October. My neck is very stiff and crackles when I turn it. Has anyone been to a chiropractor (Uk) for neck alignment? I remember years ago I had whiplash from sitting down suddenly in the snow and the chiropractor fixed my neck after months of pain. Thanks Penny

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Hi there


Possibly something to discuss with your specialist before going to see a Chiropractor - my specialist didn't have a problem with it but told me ensure that I told the Chiropractor my medical history.  My daughter has been seeing one since she was 15 and my Dad has recently started to see the same bloke - however, they wouldn't touch me due to my medical history.  Also, just because your neck is stiff and crackles, it doesn't mean that's where the problem is.  My daughter's boyfriend also see the same Chiro and told him about pains in his knees - this was due to his pelvis being out of alignment - nothing to do with his knees and he now goes every month and can comfortably play football again. 


I urge you to talk to your specialist / consultant first and, like I say, you must make sure the Chiropractor you choose knows about your SAH.

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