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Hello, I survived a SAH which occurred almost 4 years ago. About a month prior to the SAH, apparently I had a sentinel bleed which doctors did not detect. I was out running early one morning when I went into cardiac arrest and collapsed.


I spent  6 days in a medically induced coma as cardiologists tried to figure out what caused the arrest. No one checked my head. When I woke up in ICU, I had a constant awful (worst ever) headache, at times I had double vision and there was a whooshing sound in my head every time my heart would beat. When an MRI was done on my brain eight days after the arrest, nothing remarkable was seen. No one did a lumbar puncture to look for blood in my spinal fluid.


I was given an implantable cardiac device in my chest and sent home. I was told that there was no apparent cause for the arrest. Two weeks later I had the SAH and had to have an endovascular coil.


It has been a struggle. Many days I feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland. Although cognitive testing indicates that I have some auditory ADD issues (while on meds for ADD, started after the SAH ), there is a huge difference in how my brain works now. If life were only like that dimly lit, quiet room where I was asked to do one task at a time then I would be successful with day to day responsibilities......


Now I get overwhelmed so easily, many sounds are excruciating, I get so fatigued so quickly. I used to be so organized but now I feel like I am always so scattered. I wish I could make peace with the new brain. 

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Hi Alara,


Welcome to BTG, so sorry to hear about your cardiac arrest and then SAH, you have certainly been through a tough time.


You have come to the right place for advice and support, this site has a wealth of information as I'm sure you will discover as you look around it.


You will find that fatigue is mentioned a lot, I think most of us here suffer with it.


I would say doing things at a slower pace can be helpful, making sure you are kept well hydrated also helps and plenty of rest.

I had my bleed in 2014 and I still find if I over do things my body and my brain let me know.


I think coming to terms with our new normal can be difficult, learning to do things differently to the way we used to, I, like you find loud noise very difficult to cope with and do all I can to avoid it.


Try not to be to hard on yourself, the recovery road can be a bumpy road at times, you've been sent on a journey that wasnt planned but we will help you, you will find everyone very welcoming and you will make a lot of new friends along the way.


Looking forward to hearing more from you, you can also join in the daily banter in the green room.



Michelle xx 

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I am sorry to hear about what happened. I would write down your questions and ask them at neuro appointment. sometimes it' s better to take someone with you so they can also help explain things. It is sometimes better to hear the story from a family member who lives with the patient.

Also doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion either. But sometimes fatigue might stay with you. I have only one patient with SAH and they have fatigue most of the time.

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Hi Alara, I am coming up for 3 years and still suffer from fatigue. I agree with you that my brain seems to function in a different way now, things are not so easy and I have to do things differently to remember them. My neuro psychologist has been invaluable in teaching me new strategies with my memory and making me look at things from a different angle. She has encouraged me to take control and accept that things are different now but not necessarily worse - just different.


I think it is a case of accepting the new normal. I actually find it hard to remember what I was like before the SAH now,  so maybe I am reaching acceptance point. My memory frustrates me as I had such a good memory prior to the bleed but I am using lots of different techniques to help. Everything is written down or a note put on my phone and if I don't have either pen/paper or phone handy I keep repeating what I want to remember until I can jot it somewhere. People must think I am mad sometimes!


As Michelle says try not to be too hard on yourself. Try and learn strategies to help you in difficult situations, or avoid them as I do!


Keep us posted 


Clare xx

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Hi Alara,


I cannot take my family telling me their troubles so I've had to say to them happy talk only  lol it kills them ha ha xx 


Was also told by my surgeon "no stress" so on stress days I sing xx 


Listen to what others say about water etc ..it helped me to come on here and find I was not the only one. 


Even if you want to talk about a rough day you have had.  One day it will be a good day !! 


Good luck and remember No Stress !! when possible  xx


Winb143 alias Win xxxx remember the water xx




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