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Did anyone else lose their appetite post SAH?

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Hey folks,


So I'm 5 months out after my SAH and ever since I came out of the hospital I have to force myself to eat. It's like my appetite has completely reset itself back to zero and I need to physically set reminders on my phone and ipad telling me I need to eat (I'm not hungry but if I don't eat I get terrible migraines). Even when I do eat, half a boiled egg and I'm full. I've not mentioned this to my doctor as I don't see it as that important but I just wondered if anyone else experienced something similar?


It's like the sensation of hunger has completely deserted  me and I never eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I know I have to. 

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If I were you I would see your doctor about it.

There could be many reasons, even as simple as your stomach has shrunk if you were not eating much in hospital and you are only 4 months post SAH, very early days. We cannot speculate as each case is individual and we are not medically qualified.


I ate very little on discharge but that was due to my taste buds  not working correctly plus immobility.

Seek medical advice.

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Hi Kjarva

I had a similar problem only the other way around, I was in hospital for 11 days and couldn't eat at all, like Super Mario my tastebuds were the problem,  although I was hungry and wanted to eat everything tasted disgusting, when I got home it was the same for a while but eventually I did manage, the only thing I can't eat is anything with mint flavour.

As Super Mario said you should speak to your doctor, it is still early in your recovery but you should seek some medical advice, it will put your mind at rest.


Wishing you well on your recovery and let us know how you get on, it could be helpful to new members who could be having the same issues.


Michelle xx 

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I too had a very poor appetite in hospital, one spoonful of yoghurt and I believed I had eaten enough, lost a lot of weight.


On discharge I had a very small appetite too and this carried on for some time, however eventually I started eating normally though I will say my taste buds have never been the same.


Have a word with your doctor  as they may be able to prescribe some appetite stimulants or refer you to a dietitian.


Clare xx

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Hi Kjarva 


I have always loved my food and I have always been told as a kid to clear my plate.


I was so tired before my SAH and thought I was worried about Husbands firm.  Even then I never went off food.  In fact when I passed out I was cooking a curry. 


When I had my Shunt fitted a year later I woke up from dream land and I had a big box of chocs which took me and Daughter no time to finish off.  


My first meal at home was a nice baked dinner.  I could not hold a knife or fork so I ate with a spoon and it was cut up for me. 


Now on a diet lol xxxx 


Good luck xxxx





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  • 1 month later...

Hi Kyarva


i had a SAH &aneurism last July. I lost 2 1/2 stone in two months.   I couldn’t eat in hospital was being sick and my jaw didn’t want to work. I lived on marks n Spencer trifles my sons got me in the hospital shop!  Nurses weren’t bothered. I read in Brain & Spine that when they operate it can cut the jaw muscle sometimes ( I had a v low bleed near my brain stem) and it can affect chewing. It’s getting better now but my taste buds are rotten.


Everything tastes strange and cooking and getting flavours right is awful. I’m hoping it will improve. Not sure if it’s nerve damage or brain damage!  My surgeon is very hard to get hold of. Haven’t seen him for six months now and not sure when I will. I’m keeping the weight off which is good but the dentist is a bit of a problem.


Hope your appetite improves. You can get marvellous concentrated drinks from your doctor which have all the vitamins and nutrients you need. I had them for a month and they settled me down.  Good luck. P

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Hi, I lost two stone in hospital and I wasn’t overweight to start with and then after discharge I found eating was tricky, no really interest but I had five/ six smaller meals a day and never let myself get hungry and that helped me rebuild energy and put the wieight back on I needed to. Like Penny I used to supplement with build up drinks like complan and found that helpful and always could manage things like porridge.


some things I couldn’t eat at all but with time it improved.  

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Penny and Kyarva,


As I put early, I ate like there was no tomorrow.  Chocs any food put in front of me.


Then a year after my waking up water tasted like chemicals, coffee and tea was horrid  and I could smell petrol.  I asked my Specialist and he says it sometimes happens after an SAH or Brain injury so I buy costa coffee as jar coffee I had tastes awful now and still get smells, some on a bad day really strong. 


Find what suits you as I had put on so much weight I started a diet and lost most of what I put on as never been slim.  Being an old dear a bit saggy  lol xxxx


Anyone running their car engine  lol Joke  xxx 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Really interesting to read this forum. I've been wondering about my appetite in particular.  


Today I'm at 11 months after SAH, and I've lost at least 4 stone.  Clothes are size 12 instead of 18 - very expensive journey!  I'm very happy to lose the weight at last, but couldn't understand why it's happening.  I'm relieved to see that this is quite often in this scenario.  I wondered if this down to my thoughts, but most people seem to think it's physical. I also wonder about stopping my HRT treatment, that had caused weight on at the time.

Now I think my appetite was 're-set' by having had a month unconscious.  This seems fine.  


My husband is a brilliant cook. While I can't be bothered to eat, he decides what I might be able to eat - and this works. Spicy, lemon, vinegar, fresh vegetables etc. are all great. Indian & Vietnamese work well too. Stodgy stuff, no good.  


Still, got no idea if I'll start putting the weight back on... it can't possibly last!

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I lost my appetite for ages and everything I ate tasted of salt. For a couple of months all I wanted to eat was biscuits and sweets. A really bad diet. I have gone off some foods I used to enjoy as well. I’m only five months post SAH so I can’t say whether my appetite will improve.

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