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2 unruptured and 1 clipped

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My two unrupured aneurysms are ‘small and stable’ according to neurologist two years ago who discharged me on that basis.. so now nobody is keeping an eye on this situation. Feeling very uncared for!! Is this the usual


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Hi Katie and welcome


I believe there are others on here that have had a similar situation and but have been told they will be monitored -I'm sure when they log on and see your post they will respond and share their experience with you.


Have you contacted anyone to see what is happening or if you will be called back for more scans?

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My advice don’t accept it , talk to your dr or ring the consultants secretary up. I had one coiled in 2010 and had a smaller one watched. I wasn’t happy with my last letter after MRI in April . Rang my consultants secretary up and told her ,a week later saw my consultant  I was put on waiting list for second Annie to be coiled , got phone call yesterday my op is 2nd August.


We have to stick up for ourselves these days ...you really should be monitored. Really try.

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