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Everything posted by subzero

  1. Well done Louise- As you say- positive news- delighted- Winnie and Keith will probably have a song- but I`ll get in there first- `You Kept Me Waiting Just a Little Bit Too Long ! Jim Maclaine and the Stray Cats
  2. Hello Tony- I have been a carer for four years- and see so much value in your comments after three years of dealing with your own recovery You have a lot to offer others who find this site after having a SAH. It`s great to see how you faced up to the challenges- realising that there would be no quick-fix- and tackled them in a way that ensured you gave yourself every chance of the best recovery possible- You have done very well- keep strong Great to get that positive up-date
  3. Hi Gary- Yes- welcome to BTG- so glad you have been encouraged by what you have checked out already- You just take your own time to say what you want to share- no rush- and I am sure that your comments too will be an encouragement to us and others like yourself who may just be looking for help with their situations- Looking forward to catching up later-
  4. Thanks for that Mandy- It`s good to hear you sound so positive about the way you have dealt with some recent challenges- and your positive attitude to the future- next weeks holiday is certainly a goodly timed `bonus` enjoy it-
  5. Hi Mandy It`s interesting how emphasis changes after SAH- and work deadlines are substituted for GP appts for Blood-Scans- Blood Pressure etc, etc - and then apprehension while results come back- then more tests- more results Hope your `family issue` is still resolved- so much coming from all directions- and all you want is a chance to get better and get rest- Take care- Subs
  6. Hello Mandy How has your week been ? Has it been easy to balance rest - work - and homelife this week ? Five months since your SAH - time moves on so quickly -keep strong Sub
  7. Hi all youguys- Just a brief update- Mrs Sub`s INR was still steady on Thursday so she does not have to get checked for a month. That`s seven days since her last steroid- and so far so good. Louise-I feel what you went through- waiting anxiously and hoping things keep OK is a real strain- thankfully all these quips in the Green Room lessen the load-!! Well- as I said earlier- forty years tomorrow since we first met- four years tomorrow since she had her SAH- I really wish all you guys and dolls continued progress in your recoveries- who have followed our posts since January-
  8. Hello Mandy Thanks for sharing your thoughts so openly- you are very brave- I am sure your friends on this site will give you much encouragement-when they read your post- Remember- please don`t strive to get where you feel you want to be when your body is saying `No Mandy-give me a chance to heal` Please take stock and adjust your progress goals- you will get stronger....... Glad to learn your family issue is no longer a concern- Take care and stay positive-
  9. IT Gremlins as I typed previous post ???????????????
  10. Hi Winnie You are a remarkable lady- six years covers so much in your recovery journey- I try and imagine what a Winnie through the sixties-seventies and eighties would have been like-!! I know that you guided me to this site a few months ago - speak about timing !!!! and there is so much helpful information within BTG for anyone who visits the site. The BTG Green Room is a great idea to discover what you guys are really like- great fun ! Keep singing Winnie- Maybe a duet with Al on the 6th July?
  11. Hi Carly Welcome to BTG from a carer- my wife had her SAH April 2011. AND A big welcome to your husband too who I am sure you will agree is also playing an important part in your recovery- Because recovery from SAH is long and gradual there are so many emotions along the way and I feel for you both having done so well in your initial recovery only to find that six months on you are having to face the challenges of another major procedure. You are only human to feel scared and apprehensive but as already said by our great BTG posters-you will be in the great hands of your medical team. I wish you both strength to deal with the days ahead- Take care both of you and you will find great encouragement as you read the stories of other SAH posters on this site
  12. Yes- great news Winnie-thanks for sharing- Delighted !
  13. Hi Carolyn Will be thinking of you as you enter a challenging week ahead. Thoughts and prayers are with you. If your procedure is still scheduled for Tuesday take care and you have done so well so far. I am sure Winnie will have another uplifting song for you when you come back to us with your progress Best regards
  14. Well done Debbie- you are very brave and thanks for getting back to us so soon. If you can give Greg the biggest `bear-hug` ever- he needs it too !!
  15. Thinking of you Debbie ---best wishes today and for the days ahead
  16. Hi Sharon Thanks for your comments and well wishes. I am pleased that our story has helped you in some way and made you laugh too ! It`s good that we can have humour in what can be such a difficult physical and psychological fight for progress. I hope you are doing well and also importantly your husband ! Give him my regards- it`s tough seeing the one you love struggle to come to terms with what SAH has done to both lives and I `m glad you agree that BTG is a great support for all who come across it. Take care and keep positive- and sing a long with Winnie !
  17. Thanks Clare- Yes- it`s great news- Only those with long term illnesses know the highs and lows and strains of living everyday hoping things will get better. Difficult for both survivors and carers- And expecting too much too soon can really be hard- Its good to see the comments on BTG from those who have been coping with their SAH for some time- they say `don`t rush recovery-be patient and accept there is no quick fix` Take care-
  18. Thanks Louise Appointment was at 4.30pm and her scan result was fine- nothing to worry about there. Also all her blood results from Monday were good- as was her INR- So- she was very pleased and just has her final steroid pill to swallow on 25th - and we will know if she can continue steroid free !! All this happening four years on--- we are so chuffed ! It`s her birthday on 23rd so if you, Winnie, Sarahlou, Mandy, Sami, Carolyn, Rob, and Keith have left any of Sami`s cake we`ll join you to finish it off !! Seriously you guys are great- And Louise- hope your assessment is fine tomorrow-
  19. Hi Mandy- Also a well done for avoiding these PPI people from taking a slice of your claim for doing very little!
  20. Hi Jane- Thanks for your interest and comments- Glad to hear that you are ok following the initial effects you felt when you came off the steroids. Your own story is remarkable- a totally different situation being abroad and on the ski slopes when your SAH happened. How are the two coping with your recovery- ? As everyone says- take the time your body needs to recover-don`t rush to get back to where you were-and accept challenging changes in your lifestyle as you go along- Wishing you both well in the days ahead
  21. Hi Everyone Just thought I would mention that this week is quite a milestone for Mrs Sub and myself It was four years today since I got her admitted to hospital with failing kidneys and constant nausea and lack of ability to eat despite trying to continue in her stressful job. Then of course this was followed by her DVT and SAH and Wegeners diagnosis by end May 2011. This morning she had her INR warfarin check-volatile recently because of her steroid reduction. INR was 2.5 her guideline is 2 - 2.5 Also monthly blood test. This is to ensure her immunosuppressant drug is not causing damage to her kidneys and liver. Interestingly we get full results of this on line tomorrow morning by logging on to the NHS Patientview website. Wednesday we visit her consultant to discuss her quarterly progress -and the result of her MRI Scan last month. Also for the past three months she has been on a steroid reduction programme to end up steroid free be next week. For the past four weeks she has been on Prednisolone 1mg but stopping completely is never a certainty. One obvious result of the reduction is her weight loss- for you ladies- a size 14 is now a 12 !! Value your support this week guys and dolls-!
  22. Hi Mandy- Families !!!!!!!!!!! That canal trip is the best thing you can do- enjoy every minute- it`s good to take time away from it all- As everyone on here keeps repeating- it`s a long journey Take care
  23. Wishing you well for the coiling Debbie You`ll be fine
  24. Hello Gemma A warm welcome to BTG and delighted you are already benefiting from the quality content in the posts. Your story has similarities to where my wife was four years ago. Working full tilt in a stressful job while her kidneys were failing and refusing to give in- I finally got her to admit herself to hospital where she spent five weeks getting tests that still didn`t clarify what was wrong. A DVT and kidney biopsy were followed by the severe headache that you mention-and like your experience-thankfully I was at her side when she lost conscientiousness in her hospital bed- and her SAH journey began-but the immediate attention by the doctors was vital I feel in what has been a remarkable recovery albeit four years on-- what followed is in my Introduction- The comments you have received from our BTG friends shows how much they care about helping you make good progress in your recovery- take care- take time and remember - you have been given a great chance to continue living- you will never be able to put a value on that................ Tell your husband to look after himself and keep strong also as he helps you along the way- this site will also help him tremendously in the days ahead. Best wishes-
  25. Good Morning Alison and also a warm welcome to BTG- I keep finding it hard to believe that so many SAH `rs are discharged with so little post SAH information about the traumatic event and its after effects. I am a Carer since my wife had her SAH almost 4 years ago- and it wasn`t until last December that I was introduced to BTG by Winnie- When my wife was discharged in June 2011 she was told that her coiling was successful..............then no more information...I also found the Brain and Spine Foundation SAH booklet very helpful. As a Carer I would urge you to introduce your close family and friends to this site- it will help them so much in understanding what you are going through in your recovery-and also help them deal with and understand some of the after effects you may face on your SAH journey- One theme that you will come across time and time again as you read experiences on BTG is that taking time and patience to let yourself recover is so vital- be positive but don`t push your recovery beyond what your body and mind are telling you is enough- As has already been commented- everyone is different and you will pick up so much useful quality information as you get into BTG. And speak openly about your recovery feelings with those closest to you- Best wishes
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