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Everything posted by jess

  1. Hi there yes sitting in a chair for long periods can cause that pain it happens to me occasionally however that also happens to my mum and dad and they haven't had a sah so it possibly could just be caused by being less active for a period of time (the bottom of my back hurts aswell after sitting) speak to your Dr if you are at all concerned though xxx
  2. Hi Julie firstly welcome xxx Secondly my choice of song was thank abba for the music very loudly anytime of the day or night like my mum and nurses said though at least I was in tune, and tubes yes I kept pulling the one in my jugular vein out they stitched it in in the end lol (none of the others were safe either lol xxx My now 8yr old had pneumonia at four days old and he too ripped the tube out (back of hand) that's when I knew he was going to be alright he was fighting just like his mum (me) lol xxx About going in for clipping, the first time I was like I wrote about, the second time there wasn't a rupture it was planned. I went in on a Thursday, clipping on Friday, home in own bed following Thursday and pregnant with my first within two weeks (sah Sept 02 aneurysm clipped second aneurysm clipped Jan 03) you will be fine xxx
  3. Paul sorry you are feeling this way xxx However you need to find out what you are entitled to (and it will be something) housing you need to get on a list put yourself on one NOW just in case (then at least you are on a list) xxx So you need to go to citizens advice and speak to them and I would go today goodluck xxx
  4. I was never told no major surgery however I had mine clipped xxx In saying that though I always heard if you had a bleed that had resealed itself the risk of a rebleed was very slim xxx Sorry you are in this situation but I would see a neurosurgeon and see what he/she says actually I would see three or four and listen to what they all say that way then maybe you could go with what the majority said xxx
  5. Hi William what caused your bleed how are you now it would be lovely to hear some more from you when you feel ready xxx
  6. Hi Nat so far this year I would of had meningitis once brain tumour twice stroke three times and sah at least ten times if I had googled it everytime I felt ill (which I used to do that's how I know). You need to drink plenty of water rest and relax. Go to your doctor tell them how you feel but panicking will only make your symptoms worse believe me I know xxx Hope things improve soon xxx
  7. Hi Barbara everyone gets headpain when they cough so try not to worry about that however I feel that it would benefit you to speak with a neurosurgeon go and see your Dr and ask for a referral xxx
  8. Hi Claudette welcome to btg xxx I still get headaches and dizzy spells and I am 14 years out September xxx Try not to worry as it is still early days for you and just make sure you drink plenty of water and relax xxx
  9. Talk to your husband when he is sober and give him two choices pack in the booze or pack his bags you need to think of your children you don't want them growing up thinking that it is acceptable behaviour all the drinking. I kicked my husband out March 2012 and it was the best decision I ever made children do as they see most of my husband's family are alcoholics I have broke that line and maybe saved my children from it but only you can decide if and when to leave. However for him to stop drinking he needs to want to stop and if he doesn't you may aswell leave. Goodluck hope everything works out for you xxx
  10. Happy new year to you to daff xxx And Tina and all on btg xxx
  11. Alison I am so sorry about you and Chris but sometimes it is the best decision to just separate xxx Hope you will both be happy xxx
  12. Welcome to btg Andy xxx I hope Julie continues to improve and gets her sight back soon xxx
  13. Hi Caroline just let them think they have I really wouldn't worry about it at the end of the day unless you have a video recording 24/7 there is no way of knowing what was said, glad you are well xxx
  14. Hi mistina Firstly welcome to the group glad you found us secondly I am not a doctor but I will give you my experiences xxx 1) orgasm hasn't caused me any problems in saying that I didn't have my sah during sex so can see why you are frightened xxx 2) I have had 4 pregnancies and 2 children since my sah (lost two between 12 and 13 weeks xxx 3) tinnitus it drives me crazy even 13years later but don't get it as often xxx 4) the worry of having another I still feel like that but not all the time it does get easier as time goes on xxx Hope you continue to improve xxx
  15. Andrea do you think it's maybe because you have another one I don't know, could you not phone the insurance company and ask them for a reason you haven't been excepted, I haven't really thought of it as my family will get a payout from my work place. Hope you can find some soon xxx
  16. Louise congratulations on the 16 year mark xxx So sorry about your mum and dad xxx Also sorry about your dad's brother and your aunty xxx
  17. I used to feel like that at the start but it does get easier with time xxx
  18. Paul you have answered yourself 20 or 30 years that's how long people have had them so my guess is they last a long time, try not to worry xxx
  19. Hi there I can walk miles again yes I am shattered after but after about three miles I am fine I do that a couple of times a week xxx You just need time xxx
  20. Hi there please go and see a counsellor as this shunt business is really getting to you xxx I don't have a shunt but I did have a temporary one in hospital I was really fascinated by it, anyway you can spend the next 20yrs worrying about your shunt and not living life and feeling miserable (and regretting the wasted years) or you can be grateful and happy to be here and live each day and enjoy life and forget about the shunt xxx I know easier said than done but only you can get through it and live your life we can only offer comforting words xxx Good luck hope things improve for you soon xxx
  21. Sami hope you had a fantastic day xxx
  22. Hi there he could read start off with short stories and build up to books I am taking six on holiday and it is quite believable that I can finish them now (if there is only things for the kids to do) xxx Hope he finds something to interest him xxx
  23. Type epp online into the Internet it's expert patients programme not sure if it still runs but it's a six week course all done online and it really helped me xxx Hope you start to feel better soon because I know that there is no fear worse than the fear of dying xxx
  24. I am sorry you lost your mother however none of us are medically trained to give advice on times and the like xxx
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