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Jane Gray

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  1. My husband of 2 months had a Class One SAH left middle cerebral aneurysm on 16th October 2010 aged 46 years. He was coiled on 19th October 2010 and discharged on 28th October 2010. His Nimoprin finished the am of 6 November 2010 and since then every other day he is becoming increasingly more & more hostile in his manner towards me. More or less every conversation we have results in me getting the blame for well anything, he says he cant speak to me because I never give him a straight answer on well again anything. He shuts me out, takes him self away refuses to speak to me in a civil manner, leaving me feeling really helpless, I dont know what to do, I made us an appointment with the GP and told them what is happening and the reaction was well its early days and told him he is to drink 3L of water, not to smoke and to chill out. In company & with visitors he is polite & friendly! I understand his frustration, boredom, constant headache & anger at what has happened and I am here to support him 1 trillion billion million per cent.... but If this continues to get worse I have no idea how I am going to cope. Its not even been a month yet! Today he has made my life a complete misery & I have cried so much I have a bad headache. I have no idea what to do to help him as he must be in complete meltdown over it all. x
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