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Danny H

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10 Good


  • Location
  • Interests
    photography & bmx
  • Occupation
    QA QC quality inspector
  • SAH/Stroke Date
    15th may 2005
  1. Ryan even after many years i still get the odd bad day,i dont dwell on it much but with a heache things do worry me from time to time. it isnt worth worrying about,you survived.will it happen again,who knows ,why care youve had got bonus time i was very very ill 6 years on and apart from seperate issues almost forget at times it ever happened. chin up soldier on and enjoy your life. Dan
  2. Hi mary glad you found the forum like i just did. i also lost sight in my left eye sah side it was on my optic nerve ,i suffered 5 blees with like yourself blood in the spinal fluid. a close call i was told,things will look up and now you have things incommon with us all,youll be able to get answers faster take care and dont ever feel alone as i did. Dan
  3. thanks all I never new this place existed until i was doing a quick web search yesterday. my memory is still sticky at times so i was just googling to see if it was the norm after all this time. i spotted a lad kevin with a similar story and a link to this place,and hay presto. i spent a few hours last night reading others stories and it felt good to see i am very similar to others. we all have our own issues ,some physical some mental but i hope i can help others not feel as gloomy as i had it a fare while. Dan
  4. Hi everyone Danny here from Suffolk. i had a subarachnoid hemorrhage back in 2005,its been a long lonely road as i never new this site existed until today. things have started getting better as time passes,lost an eye during the op and both hips after a problem with some of the drugs but 41 years old and fighting. Dan
  5. Hi Ron 6 years on and i still had bad days,they really do get better. i think of it less and less as the days go by ,but with this forum which i never had you can get some of the answers you need. Dan
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