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Rachel G

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About Rachel G

  • Birthday 03/04/1973


  • Biography
    I had a SAH 12/04 followed by a clipping. I am a 39 y/o mom of two small children. I am a social worker. I'm active and healthy and overall feel optimistic about life, but I have anxiety about what happened, and in addition, I have chronic headaches and burning sensations in my head pretty much all day. Just came to this website for some support because I do not know any other SAH survivors. It can be lonely sometimes!
  • Location
    New York
  • Occupation
    Social Worker
  • SAH/Stroke Date

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  1. Thanks for the replies. A neurologist recommended neurontin for the nerve pain a few months ago but I never tried it....I think I will though. Do you guys have any idea why the burning/tingling is in whole head when my craniotomy was just on one side? No one seems to have a good answer and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. One more question....why headaches and strange head sensations so many yrs later? The first three years post op I was symptom free.??? Thanks for your support and time...I finally have a place to turn for support and answers
  2. Does anyone have strange feelings / chronic headaches so many yrs after their craniotomy? I had an SAH / clipping in 2005 and years later still have wierd head sensations (burning, aches, tingling) all around the head...not only at the surgery site. I've been checked out by numerous docs (GP, neurosurgery, neurology) and I've had several tests.....everything comes out clean so docs think it's nerve pain and anxiety. Anyone else have this? It's driving me crazy!!!
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