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    Helsinki, Finland
  1. Thank you all so so so much for your responses - made me feel a lot more relaxed I guess mum indeed needs time to adjust and recover after everything now and I need patience...!! The past few months have just been such a roller coaster and as mum and I have been super close all my life this all has therefore hit me very hard and can't wait for her to get better. But baby steps taken every single day! Forward said granny in the snow keep well all! Xx.
  2. Hi, My mother (67 years) suffered sah last November. She has been in the neurosurgery unit since as she only didn't get vasospasm but meningitis aswell due to lumbar drain. According to the doctors she was already dependant on lumbar drain before the meningitis, but because of the illness the drain had to be removed for several weeks to cure her with antibiotics. Almost two weeks ago she finally received a shunt, but now i'm so worried. I'm worried because 2 weeks after sah she was almost back to her old self, although she was forgetful but then came the meningitis and the worsening of hydrocephalus and everything got a lot worse..She was without the lumbar drain a month before the shunt operation. Before the shunt operation she was very drowsy, trembling and eventually lost her abilty to speek. Moving was also very difficult and she had cognitive dysfunction, couldn't remember a thing and was very confused and disoriented about everything. Now after the operation she stays awake no problem and trembling has disappeared. But she's still very confused and disoriented. I can understand that she suffers a memory loss due to sah, meningitis and hydrocephalus, but the fact that she's still very confused and disoriented disturbs me a lot! She has advanced physically a lot since the shunt operation but i'm worried if she'll ever comes round the disorientation and confusion..?? Does anyone have similar experiences? How long does the confusion and disorientation last..? Thanks!!!!!!!
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