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  1. I have a very similar story. DVLA have now had the information they need from my consultant for over 20 weeks and they keep saying my "case is waiting to be seen by our medical advisors, the reason for the delay is due to the high volumes of work within our medical section." They also say my GP can certify me fit to drive, but she's reluctant to do so as she hasn't received any detail on my case from the consultant. I've contacted the consultant to ask him to send the information on, but no joy so far. I've also enlisted the help of my MP, but no progress to report so far. My SAH was WFNS 1 and was treated by coiling in July 2013.
  2. The initial form I filled in asked me to give my specialist's details, which I did. DVLA then contacted him. They now have all the information they need and have had it for nearly 12 weeks! But what's the normal length of the driving ban if there is such a thing?
  3. I had a WFNS Grade 1 SAH in July successfully treated by coiling. I duly notified DVLA and they wrote back to me [as I expected] to say I could not drive until I heard from them. They did say, though, that my GP could check me and certify me fit to drive; I asked her to do so but she wasn't willing My question is this: what is the usual length of time that DVLA stop you driving for after the SAH? Not: How long do I have to wait for them to tell me? They say it takes them around 12 weeks. Chris
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