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Thanks Allison, good to hear. I think my episode was similar to yours, so hopefully I'll be as lucky.

Already down to mild headaches, mostly from noise or too much activity. I am definitely improving daily though, with occasional set backs.

Just got the word from the FAA, definitely off flying for at least a year.. :(

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Nevermind Dan/Lucky,

You are here in one piece, you can let others do the flying for a while.

Remember you ar Lucky so try not to be too down, it might be only for a little while.

A Year goes quick x

Good Luck Lucky /Dan

WinB143 xx

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Dan, from what I have read it seems that I have been very lucky and you even more so!
I had a SAH on 30th Dec 2012. I had severe headaches, extreme sensitivity to light, some vomiting etc. It seems I had not had an aneurism.


I was admitted to my local hospital a few hours afterwards and the next morning had a CT scan and was transferred to The Walton Centre -a neurological unit in Liverpool. I had another CT scan, MRI scan and Angiogram within a few hours of arrival.


A few days later I went for another angiogram but this was not completed due to the catheter getting twisted. They tried again in my other leg the next day, but this time could not get it in at all and had some trouble stopping my artery bleeding.

I continued to be very tired and having headaches, taking four painkillers including morphine. I was discharged after two weeks with all of these painkillers. I spent the next week in bed feeling completely exhausted, but gradually improving.


After that I started getting up and then getting around, walking the dog twice every day. Headaches stopped after about 4 weeks and I stopped all medication. My leg ballooned as a result of the problems with the angiogram, and a DVT was suspected but ruled out.

Since then its been a matter of slowly getting stronger. I found I had very little mental stamina and got very tired doing anything that needed a lot of concentration. Its now three months on and I feel almost back to normal - just the tiredness.

I plan to go back to work on a phased basis in a couple of weeks. The most frustrating thing is not being able to drive.

The more I read about other people's struggle the more I realise what an easy time I have had. You seem to be the first I have come across who has had it even easier!

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Blessed is what you are, Dan! Well, we are all blessed because not everyone walks away from this.

My very first thought when I read your post we "Small airplane? My head would explode!" since pressure changes are very painful. But really, I stay pretty active; work full time, coach runners (adults, new to running), and teach bootcamp. I just try to take the good days and go with them, and as much as possible when the body says stop, I slow down and rest.

Welcome to the club...we're VERY exclusive. We don't let just ANYONE join, you know. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dan,

I had a NASAH fifteen months ago. I was out of hospital in just under two weeks (would have been less but was over Xmas and the occupational therapist who had to pronounce on my ability to make a cup of tea for myself was on holiday). Was back at work on a phased basis after six weeks and full time after ten weeks. I felt fine as soon as I recovered consciousness about thirty six hours after the bleed having had a lumbar puncture to relieve pressure from build up of cerebro-spinal fluid blocked by bleed.


Headaches were minimal. I had two angiograms about two weeks apart because although no aneurysm was detected my bleed was a Fisher Grade 2 i.e. quite a lot of blood. The angiograms were the worst things - I sympathise with the person who had a twisted catheter and then an unsuccessful attempted second angio.


At my second angio I was completely alert etc hence very worried - my blood pressure shot right up and then plummetted back to normal as soon as it was over. But apart from that everything was OK - I had slight backache on the first time I walked outside the hospital (I was still an in-patient but needed to get out into the fresh air so they let me out). The backache then disappeared.

I still get slightly tired late at night. But that's when one is supposed to be tired and as my bedtime tends to be round 12.30 (far too late I know) that is hardly surprising. Apart from that, I think I am the same person as I ever was and my lifestyle is similar with the difference that I have vowed that I will not take on so much work as to put my health in danger - especially as I have not had a raise for three years as a Government employee.


When I quit my job for a better one I will march out with full honours of war rather than being stretchered out as happened when I collapsed at work with the NASAH. Like others who seem to have made a full or nearly full recovery I don't post often but I think it is important to provide a few words of support or information or something. NASAHs are such strange things. Let us hope we never have another encounter with them. Very best wishes for your continuing and successful recovery and for resuming your flying career as soon as you safely can.


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Hi Dan,

I too am one of the "lucky" ones I think. I didn't have anything major to signal my bleed...my right arm went numb while driving. No headaches or anything strange, but the thought of having a stroke sent me to the hospital. My bleed was very small also and after an MRI, CT Scan and Angiogram, they were unable to determine the cause. They also ran an EEG, EKG, and Carotid Artery Doppler and found NOTHING.

I returned to working as a corporate auditor WAY TOO SOON, but being a single mom, I needed the income. I returned after 6 weeks. I began with a few headaches that were very mild. And except for fatigue I did really well. I just finished my first major audit last week and I am paying for the hard work I put in! I have had a horrible headache for 3 days...not dibilitating, but annoying as anything!

My advice (being still new to it all too...6 months last week)...take it easy. Listen to your body as much as you can. It's true that some of the symptoms you read on here make you think, "WOW, I'm glad mine wasn't that bad", but we all seem to have the same issues...different degrees, but the same all around.

The people on here have been my saving grace on my bad days. just knowing that what is happening to me is "normal" and I just need to be patient. You have good days and bad days....just take the good ones and cherish them and take lots of deep breaths during the bad ones. They do pass!


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  • 2 years later...

HI Dan and everyone else on this thread!


Thank you so much everyone--for sharing your experience.


My story if very similar to Dan's only it just happened last Monday.  I was in a very high intensity spin class when my headache came on. An ambulance, an MRI, Catscan and Angiogram showed no chance of an aneurysm.  The location of the bleed was also confined to the perimesencephalic area so technically a perimesenecephalic non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage explains what happened.


I was checked into ICU on Monday morning at 6am and discharged to go home and recover on Wednesday at noon as my neurosurgeon felt my recovery would be best at home in bed if I promised to take it easy.  I switched from Hydrocodone to Tylenol 3 with Codeine which I'm only taking once or twice a day.


By Thursday morning my entire backside was incredibly sore but today --one week later its limited to only my lower back which I know is normal regarding the blood in the spine.  I'm planning to take a few weeks away from my work.  Fortunately I have a team of 26 now in my company to help keep everything growing and moving forward.


While I've read so many studies now showing an excellent and full recovery should be expected, I'm curious about your experience over the last couple years since you are further along but yet sound very similar to my case in regards to severity.


Can you please share an update and/or any advice?  I'm 43 and an incredibly fit and healthy woman.  Thank you!  The last week has been pretty scary!  Best!  Holly

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