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What have you managed to achieve today?

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Often on this forum, we talk/concentrate on issues that are mainly negative and don't tend to celebrate what we've achieved since leaving hospital, so I'm looking for a few positive replies with this thread ... no matter how small or insignificant that you may feel them to be, please post them up.

I personally had quite a few years post SAH, where my life really wasn't good physically.

I can also remember writing on my calendar when I had "a good day" It was a bad mistake .... I didn't have "a good day" for the next 3 months, so I swore that I would never write it down again. I had expected too much of myself, considering how ill I'd been and continued to compare myself to life pre-SAH.

However, I failed to notice all of the little things that I became able to do ... walk without a wheelchair, pour a bowl of cornflakes, go to a restaurant, drive for the first time, walk the dog around the block, cook a meal, use the phone, write a letter, stop using the walking stick, read etc.. all of the small stuff that you take for granted that you could do before the SAH, but good achievements none the less and ones that should be truly celebrated and be proud of.

So, what have you done today, that perhaps you couldn't have managed a few days/weeks/months/years ago?

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9 years ago I was unable to go out alone and had no confidence to do so because of crossing roads being the main reason plus little sense of balance so I fell all over the place.

Now I go out almost every day and have done so today. I know I have to use my scooter or frame when I can't use the scooter but I go out. It is an effort sometimes but I have a little girl that needs a walk every day, rain, wind or shine.

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I did about 3 hours of proper work, was nervous making a call to get a reference for someone but it will get better with practice. It wore me out but I didn't find it as bad as I thought it might be!!

I watched Nathans school leavers concert with tears in my eyes, 3 years ago if things had been different I would not have even seen him start school!!

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Hello Karen and fellow BTG members

I have a lot to be thankful for, I started making my jewellery again after I just gave up from the second coiling, as you know I had complications and my left arm was left weak so I decided to start again when a lady from USA wrote me an email about how much she liked one of the charm bracelets and I should never give up!

Also I am writing a book, it is going to take a while, it's not only about my SAH but also a spiritual journey by leaving a cult and the research that I had to undertake.

I am still not quite there yet mentally and trying hard physically but at least trying and occasionally smiling :-D

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Hello Karen and everyone

I've played 18 holes of golf today in the heat, in lovely Herefordshire countryside. Drinking LOTS of water as I went. Didn't win anything but enjoyed it.

It's 6 years since my NASAH, didn't play for 14 months post SAH, and I have recently won 2 lovely trophies golfing at my club, one I last won in 1998 and the other I had never won before, I was truly thrilled, as were many of my friends for me. I tell my friends we are so lucky to be walking around hitting that silly little ball and if we do win something then that's a bonus. Can't play as often as pre SAH have to pace myself and some days aren't very good but its wonderful for me.

All part of getting to the new me

Hope everyone is enjoying the heatwave. Best wishes Anne:oops: That's my sunburn!

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Today I done the same thing I have been doing from my SAH "lived" and loved doing it, and all with a smile, a few tears, some laughs and lots of songs.

My foot was sore today but choose to ignore it, plus learning to stand on one foot helps lol

Went to work, knocked my pan in to finish early, then got the family into the car and just drove, ended up doing 76 mile around lough neagh, the fields beautiful, the sky amazing, the water sparkling, the smells lovely (sometimes lol) doing it with my family priceless

Great to hear your stories and how we are all trying to be positive, remember its not how long you live for, it's what you live for!

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Good Idea Karen,

I worked 9 1/2 hour day and was training 2 gals today which went well for me as it takes all my patience to keep my head straight with what I am suppose to be doing!! Most days I can get frazzled when having to explain things but the young gals I am training "get me and my brain issues" & get it when it is too busy to explain so it is working well.

One year ago I was only able to drive 2 hours and last week I drove 8 hours and 491 miles alone to visit my son and back 4 days later). Which has been a big goal for me as I love my alone time in the car. I did it in complete silence which helped me concentrate and it is easier on my brain. It was so wonderful even if all we did was have dinner and chat while I was there. More than a wee bit of normal for me.

Another thing with my week off my blood pressure was 104/83 which is what it was a year before SAH & strokes.

I got my joy of gardening back this summer - a big thanks to Carl :-D last summer he gave me a push to get my wood fence painted which has made a great background for my plants & planters. Thank you Carl.

Pretty sure I have had a darn tootin great week!!


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I worked today and was able to somehow survive the day when the air conditioning was out. It was 93 and the air was out at work but I stayed and didnt complain. Drank lots of cold water and used my desk fan.

My wife's bone cancer test came out negative which is a huge relief for us.


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Karen, nice thread:-D

There are So many things to be happy about but here's my top 10 of activites that I am proud and grateful that I have been able to reclaim them to some extent post SAH.

10. Swimming

9. Cooking

8. Cycling

7. Driving

6. Baking

5. Sewing

4. Swimming

3. do my daughters plaits

2. Lift my daughters up

1. 'cuddling' with hubby

Yesterday I sat in the shaded sunlight After a morning at work and just was very still, something I didn't do much prior to SAH. I also watched a calf take its first steps in the field behind our house, beautiful. Mostly I feel very blessed to be here. This time last year I was back in hospital in a bad way and it all felt pretty miserable and physically and emotionally I was shattered. Now the pieces are coming back together but it's shaping up with a slightly different landscape.

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Glad to hear all the positives, my back still hurts and no help yet but I can walk to the toilet and back.

Sounds small but to me it is a massive step, I was told by a young man "Win if you can manage without a stick

then do not use it."

So I walk without a stick for approx. 60 to 100 yards.

I know I will get stronger and am determined to do so. If back keeps painfree !!

Keep doing things be them small or big steps we can get there with BTG's help.

Thanks All

WinB143 xx

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Good morning all,

I am happy to be alive and laying here next to my daughter watching her draw and talk and talk and talk..... She is my angel.

Yesterday I went outside in the very hot weather and trimmed 7 bushes back. I love being outside and three months ago I would not have been able to do that or much else.

Baby steps are leading to bigger steps. Yay!


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I really love love love this thread! It warms my heart to read all the replies!

Achievements start by being so small and work their way up don't they?

I remember when it took all my energy to have a shower. That was all I could do.

I remember when I could watch TV and listen to the volume at the same time and it felt like a milestone.

I remember making hubby banana pudding and having to lie down 4 times through the process then a year later making turkey dinner for 6 and how wonderful that felt! I was so nervous and had all the steps listed out with times beside them.

Having our wedding was a huge achievement! Date set three times due to brain not being ready. All the planning and learning to pace out the tasks over time and take it one step at a time. Planning every detail to ensure I didn't have to 'think' or make decisions on the day. Ensuring I had 'quiet time' throughout my day's itinerary so I could rest my brain. Finding ways to cope ahead of time in order to stretch out my stamina for the day was a major accomplishment.

Sandi K.

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SAH 1st Sept 2010. Since then I learned how to do so many things again, not always the same way, but differently. Finding those other ways are achievements in themselves - not only the physical things, but also the way I deal with people. I had to learn who some people were again, how to make a cup of tea/coffee, a piece of toast, how to walk again, how to deal with memory loss, upset, how to deal with the days when my head said get up and go but my body said stop right there or I'll make you ill. So many things, but I am grateful to all who helped me.

Right now I have depression on a grand scale, being medicated and off work, but I am coming out the other end now - that's why you haven't heard from me for a while. I come on here, look at what you've all achieved and wonder what the heck is wrong with me, what have I got to moan about? I am in awe of you all. As always your stories are inspiring, and my troubles don't seem as great as yours, even though to me they are very real and I have to live through them. It always lifts me when I read these stories - thank you everyone. Sorry to off load!


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My crying has lasted for shorter times. This am, it only was about 10min. It started off at 1hour at a time!

Mood always good...weird contradiction, I know...I'm much better at dealing with it now.

Onward for more astonishments today, it's only the start of the day here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the positive thread!!

My latest achievement which is small but I am very chuffed about is that I have a new phone :biggrin: Mine was incredibly old, couldn't take pics or use the internet on it. I tried a new phone last year & got so frustrated that I gave up with it. I had help to set it up & input all my contacts etc (well actually, someone else just did it all for me) and I am slowly learning how to use it to send texts & use the internet on it.

Unfortunately I can't read BTG on it as the writing is too small but I'm sure there is a way to enlarge it - I'm working on that!! I haven't yet given the new number out to anyone as I wanted to use the old one until I worked out how to use the new one first. D-Day is 2nd August when the contract ends on the old one. I'm feeling really pleased that I am doing something I couldn't do last year.

Wish me luck for D-Day!! :wink:

Michelle xx

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My achievement is that I started my structured back to work yesterday. Only for three hours, but I did it! I work in fashion and was worried about the noise and not being able to rush around like I used to do, but everyone was really understanding, gave me a lovely 'welcome back' in the team meeting and felt like I'd never been away.

As per usual, I took too much on and ended up with a whacking headache by the end and a couple of hours on the sofa when I got home, but small steps and all that. I'll know when I go in again tomorrow what I should and shouldn't do, but it's all trial and error whilst I find my feet - but I did it and am really proud of myself that I've got to this point. Up the workers!!!

Positive thoughts to you all,

Sarahk xx

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I am so pleased that I was able to face a fear at work of having to deal with one of our Vet’s and her sick pet. I was the only one available Sunday at 7 am and I did great staying in a ZEN like mode & keeping her there with me. It was someone and a situation I was hoping to avoid at all cost. But I rose to the occasion and stayed in control.

I also have concord (not sure if that is the word) all aisle of the grocery store yesterday as my shopping list had only 4 items on it for the week! I also came home with a reasonable amount of groceries instead of my usual one bag because I shut down at some point.


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  • 1 month later...

I have recently started to work on my wifey/woman/household duties! I regained my work routine as best of my abilites but never my home routine. I have come really far the last month with cooking most days and being able to get myself up and do daily chores like I use to do.

I also added some fun time in my social life or what was lack of social life as after working I can barely stand noise, movement ( people!), but that has gotten about 25% better.

I am still hitting the wall and wonder if I am expecting too much and ask myself that once in awhile but so far I think I can still keep trying to add a little more to my life.

I went to water aerobics 3 times since it moved back indoors and while the water seems extra cold to me I am doing better than I did in the outside pool this summer as that was just miserable and I felt drained, cold & could not stand the sun being in my eyes.

:) maryb

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  • 3 weeks later...

My achievement was actually almost two weeks ago. We had friends for dinner so I prepared a lasagne the day before. On the day I cooked the lasagne, garlic bread and potato wedges for the adults and a pizza for their little 'un. It was only when I sat down to eat that I realised I had just made dinner for five people! I was very, very pleased with myself :-P

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