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hello everyone

I suffered a sh in may of this year and like many of you as been a massive shock i have found this site good for answers to questions,whilst I am recovering well,I just wondered if anyone had a brain drain (sorry dont know the name for them ) in for the hydrocaphlesus after the operation , and if they did how long where the stitches were to heal, its 11 weeks since it happened and the healing of this seams to take so long , some times it does weap a little ,i just wondered if anybody else had experienced this as its so long till appoitment

many thanks

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Hi there

Warm welcome to the site, glad you found us.

I had a brain drain but don't remember it so sorry cant help, if your meaning so long till you go back to see the neuro at hospital as your GP that'll put your mind at rest.

I also have a drain inside my brain now...

Glad you find the site good hope to hear more from you.

take care

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Thankyou for your reply,

I probably didnt make much sense as i read it back ,it was like a tube coming from head to the machine which drained the fluid from brain for 1st week ,then they took that out and its where all the stitches were from that ,that are not heaaling very good , think i will go and see Gp like you suggested

many thanks

take care

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Hi Kayleigh, welcome to BTG! I didn't have a drain, wondering if that's a shunt? Others have and will be on soon. Weekends can be quiet here sometimes. Glad you found us, I think this is the best source for information about our 'special' brains. :-D

Sandi K.

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Hiya. Hope you're doing ok.

Yes I had an extra ventricular drain placed for hydrocephalus last March. the way it works is that you have the burr hole and then the tubing runs along under the skin and exits about an inch away to minimise infection. Out of interest Did you know it's considered to be one of the most cutting edge brain surgeries done today? They enter the 'holy grail' of the brain to be able to place the tubing. That's what my registrar told me anyway.

Mine stayed in place for about three weeks and used to occasionally leak but from when they took it out it took about three to four weeks to heal up after the took out the staples. I'm estimating that as the first from the first time I had a full hair wash which was about a week after discharge.:wink:. Like Louise I also now have a shunt as my hydro returned.

If you have any pain or swelling or change in this area or as you say some seeping then I would strongly urge you to get it checked out to be on the safe side.

Please feel free to pm me on the subject.

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Hi Sandi and Dafodill

thankyou for your repleys ,its very helpful to know and some great information there that I didn't know at all,its only now Im starting to feel better you start to have questions and don,t really have anyone to ask, so thank you

I will go and get this checked out by gp thou , also if any of you drive how long was it before you get your licence back ? They told me 8 weeks in hospital but just had a letter from DVLA to say it will take 12 weeks from now to review.

thankyou for replies

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Be prepared for the DVLA to drive you to distraction, I'm afraid. Like you, I had a shunt to get rid of all that liquid and they revoked my licence for 6 months - said that was automatic and standard. They said I could reapply for my licence a month before the six months was up - so I did. No response so I rang them and they said it would take 6 weeks to consider my reapplication! At the expiry of that, still with no response, I rang again and they said they were posting a letter.

It duly came and it said they had written to my consultant and expected a reply within 6 weeks! At the end of that, yet again with no response, I rang again and they said they hadn't heard back from my consultant and advised I contact him. I did so and his secretary told me he had replied a month ago! Back on the phone to DVLA and they confirmed they had received it and I should expect another letter. That came and said that they had referred it to their medical gurus and I could expect a decision - guess what, in 6 weeks!

By now in despair, I rang them again and wept over the phone. They said they would send me a letter. I asked when - in 6 weeks? The following day, I rang again, having decided I would just keep doing so on a daily basis - and they told me I had been misinformed and my licence was being re-issued. So - it was pretty much 10 months before I could drive again.

However, if your licence is revoked for medical reasons, you can get a bus pass!

I'm careful about driving now - very conscious that I don't have the same level of sustained concentration and there is always the exhaustion wall to consider.

Keep getting better - be kind to yourself and your body. My thoughts are with you.


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Hi Kayleigh,

I also belong to the shunt club on BTG.

I remember my daughter washed my hair and it felt good, when it itched I used to bath it in warm salt water.

Always see your Doc though if worried, goes without saying xx

I wish you well and welcome to the Shunt club xx Do you have a shunt fitted? if not oops !!

Keep getting better whatever xx

Best Wishes

WinB143 xx

Edited by Winb143
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Kayliegh, the DVLA are following procedure as with any invasive brain surgery it is stated it should be 6 months before you can drive, an EVD is specifically mentioned in their guidelines so I surrendered mine after I discharged. i Had to wait a while longer than that which you can read about on the DVLA thread I then reset my clock to another six months off driving from when they placed the shunt!

Take care. Sleep tight, it's early days.

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Hi Kayleigh

I had a 'brain drain' too for the first couple of weeks in hospital, removed about a week before I came home and like yours, weeped through the stitches. But once I was released, my GP arranged for the District Nurse to call and remove the stitches about a week after I was home. Your GP should have been sent all your paperwork by now, so I'd say give them a call to find out what's going on.

Re. DVLA, I agree with Daff and write off the first six months for driving. It does take forever but you can make yourself very stressed trying to sort it out quicker, which is the last thing you need.

Hope that helps in some small way!!

Sarahk xx

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