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Further Embolization

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Hi everybody

Its been a long time since I posted on here. Basically down to laziness and various ailments. Its now nearly eight years since my original embolization and many of you will remember that I had problems with the neurology department who stated that my coiled aneurysm had developed a neck and may have to be further embolized and was dangerous to leave but nothing ever happened.

Well yesterday after a further scan my GP received a letter from Neurology at the Heath Hospital in Cardiff that the neurosurgeon and neuroradiologist have now decided that I should have a further embolization as the neck has grown bigger. I know if I look through the posts that my questions will be answered but its so long since I`ve been on that it will take ages. So can someone please tell me

1. How long are you in hospital

2. Is it exactly the same as original procedure

3. When I spoke to consultant he was surprised that we were worried

4. Are you anaesthised as in original procedure or is it similar to tha angiogram when you are awake

5. Is there a convalescent period or can you carry on with life

Any advice would be helpful

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I have a neck on mine too, which is being monitored, but as yet does not need attention. I did however have a second embolisation to add more coils to the aneurysm that had ruptured so I can only tell you about my experience with that.

I was in hospital about 3 days in total. The procedure was the same as it was following the bleed - under general aneasthetic, via the groin and up to the brain. I believe the second one was easier for the surgeon as there was not the blood from the bleed to deal with.

I was operated on a Wednesday and was told I could go back to work the following Monday. Whilst I felt fine (and relieved) immediately afterwards, I did take several weeks off to fully recover. I found tiredness again to be the biggest factor.

I think it is quite natural to be worried - I know I did plenty of worrying before my second op although it wasn't actually as bad I thought it would be.

I wish you well with it all,


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