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Simon - Hi everyone, my introduction

Simon Greenwood

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I just thought I would introduce myself. I'm Simon 44 and suffered a NASAH on 22nd of October 2013.

When it happened I was violently ill and contemplated calling an ambulance, but due to being ill along with the head pain, I thought it may have been something I ate.

I was in a hotel on business. I took some ibuprofen and tried to sleep. The following day I saw an occupational health nurse at the company I was visiting and she told me to seek medical advice.

I rang my GP and was told to take more painkillers and call him when I got home.

Fortunately my colleague and good friend Martyn said we should call in at the hospital. We did and I was diagnosed after 5 hours as having neck muscle spasms. Given tablets and told if I was no better next week to come back.

Two days later I had pins and needles in my arms and legs.. I rang my GP explained I was worried and what the hospital had said, he assured me it was probably a trapped nerve, more tablets...

Another two days later and my friend called round to see about arrangements for the following week as we travel to work together, he is not happy that I look worse than earlier in the week and rings my GP, out of hours we are asked to go to the local hospital, not the initial one. The doctor I see is unhappy to say the least that I did not have a head scan.

Off to the new hospital in the next City, they were great, CT scan, bit of morphine, pain goes, then I'm told about the SAH, the doctor apologises for the other hospitals mistake and they are trying to get me a bed in the countries leading hospital, lucky for me 40 miles from where we live.

Off I go, two weeks, another CT scan, two angiograms, brilliant staff, and released early November.

So how am I now, well glad to be alive, as we all know some are not so lucky... Angry at the initial lack of care, especially when you research the symptoms and all advice says CT scan / lumbar puncture, which I did not have.

Frustrated that the energy I had is gone, my brain is repairing I know that, when I think of the state I was in to where I am now...

But my patience is in very short supply, I find I walk away a lot, better than letting off steam on the spot.

I am really glad I found this site so I know what others are experiencing, gives me hope.

I understand the comments about GP's I don't think they know enough about the issue, so they cannot advise! or maybe in this day and age of being used they feel it easier to tell you it will take time and leave it at that.

Glad to be here and good luck to all in your rehabilitation. Happy New Year...

Edited by Tina
Name added to title :)
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Hi simon. Gosh you didn't get a particularly good deal when it comes to getting diagnosed and helped. I am so sorry that this added to the trauma of your SAH. Not great. At least you are now getting a good standard of care but just take it very easy on yourself in the coming months. If you are worried then seek help but asking your questions here is good as someone usually provides an opinion and shares their experience.

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Hi Simon :)

A very warm welcome to BTG !

Happy New Year to you too :) Glad you found us. You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum and

feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room.

Take care.

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Hi all and thanks, to reply to some of the comments, no I didn't get a smooth ride with diagnosis, seems strange to me that in this day and age two hospitals within 20 miles of each other can be poles apart.

I'm doing ok now, the fatigue is the biggest issue, most days I feel like I should stay in bed, but I force myself to get up and do what I can to try to build up my stamina again.

Before my SAH I was running a food manufacturing site with 150 employees working on avg 12-14 hour days, loads of energy... Hence my frustration at now being constantly drained.

Thanks for the kind words of support...

Edited by Tina
Line spacing added for easier reading :)
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Hi Simon,

Welcome aboard! There just seem to be too many stories of delayed diagnosis of sah, mine included, which, given the seriousness of the condition, is not very satisfactory:frown:.

Thankfully, someone was eventually on the ball and you were treated well. It certainly takes some adjustments following a sah, one of the most common being the change of pace that is forced upon us. It can be quite frustrating at times, it's quite common to get 'good' days which can be followed by days where you feel totally wiped out.

Recovery really can be a roller coaster ride and some times you wonder if and when it's going to stop! Hopefully your own journey of recovery will be a smoother ride than the diagnosis.

Best wishes,


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Hi Simon

Happy New Year and lets hope 2014 is a good year for you.

You are early days yet as you will know when reading everyones posts so listen to your body and don't try to push through the fatigue to build up stamina as your body is probably doing a full marathon every day at present just trying to repair itself

Take it easy and take care of yourself


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Hi Simon,

Welcome to the site. I am new to all this too & prior to this I too had a very busy job. I was/am self employed running 5 companies with my husband.

The new pace is VERY not like me and very frustrating - I understand how you feel.

Emma x

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Hi Simon,

Keep happy when possible and when down sing, okay I know it sounds daft but it helps me.

Head up and shoulders back, you get over the tiredness and I will walk this year, deal?

Slaps Simons hand Deal !!

It does get better, look back in 3 weeks then 6 weeks and note improvement, slow but sure .

I was told I'd never walk but 60 yards to a 100 now and 200 by July I hope.

Keep Well and happy

WinB143 xx

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Hi Simon,

What a crazy and dangerous ride you were on. It is incredible how many people are misdiagnosed. I just read an article about that. I had mine in April and its been a long haul. Everyone is different and I do hope you recover very soon but try not to push too hard. It's a double edged sword. You want to feel better, then you do, then you do more, and then you've done too much. I am well aware of this scenario.

Rest as much as you can right now. You will thank yourself later.


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