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Significant coil compaction

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Hi everyone,

I am now nearly 5 months post sah. This last month the headaches have become a bit more severe and I was admitted to Edinburgh Western 6 weeks ago resulting in my 6 month MRI being brought forward which I had done on the 5th may. No news is good news as they say, however hospital rang last Thursday to advise the MRI indicated significant compaction of the coiling. Am waiting on a call in the next few weeks to go in for an angiogram. I have prepared myself for undergoing surgery again, and from what I have been told this will be nothing like my sah surgery. Obviously I am scared and I just wondered if anyone else had been through this step.

Thank you for all your posts. I so enjoy reading them again and again.


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Hi Poppy,


I too have an aneurysm that hasn't been fully coiled ... I'm due for my next scan in 2015, which will be 10 years from the initial coiling .... I've been monitored and scanned during those 10 years.


I know how you're feeling .... however, if I need more surgery, I will take it and that's not to say that I won't feel scared.  It's the fallout from the bleed that causes the problems to the brain.


I would rather take the chance with the surgery, then leaving it and living with a ticking time bomb...don't think that I could live with that thought.


My Mother in Law had an aneurysm coiled ... she never had the bleed ... had a couple of days in hospital and came through it okay.


Take care lovely and wish you well. xx

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Hi Poppy1,


I went through this scenario after my sah and I was scared at the time too.  My angiogram revealed blood still entering the aneursym due to compacted coils, so they wanted to put some more coils in to stop this.  One of the things that scared me was that they'd said it ought to be done in the next 3/4 weeks - that made me automatically panic.  It wasn't until much later that I realised that the urgency was more to do with it being a quieter time in the hospital with not so many staff being on holiday leave.  I did go in for more coiling, but twice it was cancelled on the day I was due to go in due to more urgent cases.  The 3/4 weeks wait turned into a long 6 month wait which did not help my anxiety. Having said that the actual coiling operation was more straight forward in that they didn't have the leaked blood to deal with and my stay in hospital was about 3 days in total as opposed to 11 at the sah stage.


I am scheduled to have this aneurysm (which also has a wide neck) checked next year along with another aneurysm I have, so I will no doubt become worried again at that point. 


If you should need more surgery I hope you don't get any delays like I did but do try and get answers from your consultant to any concerns you may have. 

Best wishes,


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Hi All,


Poppy it is better they keep an eye on it.


You'll be okay but the worrying is the worst part.


My husband  was unsure about me having shunt put in but it was the best thing that happened to me

as it was like a light being switched on.  Not the same as coiling but just putting it into perspective.


Be Well and don't worry xx


WinB143 xx 

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Hi Poppy. Sorry to hear you have to go back in for further coiling but look at this way, it does mean your headaches should start to improve after they have done it. I like Karen have a wide neck remaining in the coiling on my main aneurysm which requires yearly checks for compacting and I know a little of what you are feeling as I had to return to hospital four months after the initial shock and trauma and requiring further surgery to place a VP. Shunt. It's very hard to feel you are going backwards but equally it is a forward step when you look at the big picture. It's not without risk, nothing is but to be operated on in A stable situation is a much better scenario than what you have already had and hopefully the reassurance of those who have had further coiling will be helpful to put your mind a little more at ease.

Sending best wishes and if it's not too dark humour to add I always found it amusing that I decided It would be prudent to do a bikini tidy before I headed in for an angio last time as it hadn't been top of my to do list shall we say.

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Hi Poppy


Had more than a few angios at Edinburgh Western General (the staff are lovely there) I think the waiting and wondering is far worse..


try and relax know its not easy but do try.


take care

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Thank you all for your encouragement, I can't tell you how much better I feel already. There is no choice for me, if the docs advise more coiling then so be it.


The staff at Edinburgh Western are incredible & going back to 1957 before I was born, My father was operated on in the same Western General by the remarkable Professor Dot. Dad had a cerebral hemorage at 19 years old and was truly not expected to make it, family and minister by his bedside and he has an incision almost ear to ear which is where P. Dot entered to save him. I am delighted to tell you dad is now 75 and still works as a handyman at our local golf course where he is loved by one and all.


I take inspiration from this & hope anyone who has the fear factor does too.


Well, away to get the razor out Daffodil. A girl can't be too prepared..



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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,

Just a wee update. Going into hospital tomorrow, scheduled for surgery Wednesday morning. More coiling and a stent as well. As you can imagine a few, well more than a few to be honest, sleepless nights this last week.

Got butterflies tonight but am trying to be so positive for all the family etc. etc. hopefully, I can update you more by the end of the week. Re-reading all your kind words and assurances has helped tonight.

Positive vibes and good thoughts to all of you..

Poppy xx

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