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MRI Scan

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Does anyone have any relaxation techniques to use while having an MRI scan? I've got my 2 year check up on Monday and I know I'm going to be anxious because they're not very nice are they?  I can't even have a cup of tea afterwards as I've got a colonoscopy the following day and I'll be on the diet :(




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I have just had my 2yr scan and like you was very anxious, all I can say is mine was only10-15mins this time as opposed to 40 the last.


Last time I very nearly pressed the button my anxiety was that great! this time I concentrated on a song and kept playing one word over and over in my head ( it did help me) also you could try taking yourself off to a place you love be it real or imaginary , somewhere you feel safe X


I do hope this helps and then hopefully when this one is done that's it!!! and at lease it is not painful XX

Good luck

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Just a thought- I wonder if you could bring an iPod or something like that to play your own music?  Maybe call and ask where you are having the MRI if they have any ideas or suggestions. When I've had to had surgery I would ask my doc to give me something before hand and they did and it really helped.

I don't like them either, I wish you luck.

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MRI machine sizes vary. I could not do one that was very small bullet shaped. I panicked as soon as they moved me in the machine and had to get out.

I found one at another hospital that was bigger and more open and called and asked if I could come in before and see the machine and just lay down in it to see if I could do it. The folks were very nice and let me and that MRI machine was bigger and I could easily see out and they also had head phones to listen to music. No problem in that one.

Some doctors will also prescribe a relaxer of some sort to help. Check around if you can and ask if you can see the machine prior to your visit. It does help.


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Liz, couple of things help me keep calm and drift off. Ear plugs , same as Kris, I take a few Bach rescue remedy drops on my tongue just before, it might just be placebo effect but I will happily take that!! I then just concentrate on my breathing and breath slowly into my stomach and just concentrate on that to be honest and It helps me stay in a good place.

Also travel with lots of time and give yourself some extra time when you get there to sit outside before you go in, maybe have a mint, so no rushing about that way you can go in a nice calm relaxed state. Lastly try not to worry to think too much about the scan itself and remember you have had these scans before In a much more emergent situation so try and smile that this time it is just routine and we are more checked and watched over than ever before.

Very good luck for tomorrow .

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I don't know what I was so worried about, the MRI scan was over and done with in 10 minutes!  I'd just settled down, started thinking about nice things and deep breathing and it was finished, the hospital had got a new, faster scanner. It took longer to be x-rayed before and afterwards because I've got a programmable shunt and the settings had to be checked, though the radiographers had only seen my type of shunt in a text book and weren't sure what to look for! 


Anyway, all Ok, just have to worry about the colonoscopy tomorrow now :(

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