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Surgery this week

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Thanks to you both ,it's my doctor that's put me on the lansaprazole today but think I will check with my surgeon by e mail before I take it ,it's typical tiday by watching my diet ive had no heartburn so will see if I can manage by diet alone first ,once again Thankyou xxxx

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Hi Janey,


Great news that you are ok.  As regards the drugs you are taking, see your GP as the others say and also read the leaflets the drug manufacturer's put in with them.


Doctors in UK (I don't know about across the pond in the US) are only obliged to tell you about the main side effects, not all of them and in taking the medicines you give your consent if you take them.. So read the leaflet in the packs and if you have any questions go back and ask about them again and especially about how they interact with each other. 


Your health is too important to take risks with!

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Thankyou ,ive still not started taking them as the news is certainly mixed on the side effects ,I'm managing with my diet at the moment so hopefully won't need them ,I will e mail the main Man im sure he will know the best thing to do and my normal doctor is back of holiday on the 30 th so not long to wait now ,thanks againxxxxx

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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad to hear you are doing well! I am scheduled to have my basilar tip 4mm aneurysms coiled and stented in 10 days! I'm a bit nervous, it's one of those things that you are nervous about it but it has to be done. I am very blessed they found it.

My doctor has also ordered plavix for me 8 pills the day before the surgery and 1 tablet a day after for three months, and an aspirin a day for 6 months afterwards, he says it's pretty standard.

Hope that helps knowing I have been prescribed the same meds.


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Janeyp and Macca, thank you so much for you words of encouragement, I will keep you posted on how it goes.... Everything crossed!") I have faith in my doctor, he have good odds says that only 1/1000 have problems.... I hope he is starting over some where in the low 100's. ")

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  • 2 weeks later...

profile_mask2.pngHello,I wanted to check in after my aneurysm coiling April 16th. It went very well the coiling is very stable my doctor; Dr. Fields is very pleased with it, the stinting part of the procedure wasn't able to be completed there had been trouble getting it into place so after a couple unsuccessful attempts he felt that without the stent the aneurysm would be just as secure. I trust him so am comfortable with his decision .

directly after the procedure I felt pretty good, no headache a little doggy and was able to see my family after be transferred from the recovery room to the ICU where I would spend the night and be released after being stabilized and monitored the next day.

After family left. my husband and I order something light to eat, I didn't have much of an appetite, mostly thirsty....very thirsty!.

The rest of the day was spend doing neurological testing I assume it is the same routine for all...follow the light with your eyes, hold your hands out closing your eyes, pressing on my feet, raising the legs etc.

Around 7pm I starting to get this headache at the base of my neck it felt like muscle ached that ran up the back of my neck like from laying on it wrong.

Then I developed a sore throat along with it came the facial/forehead headache that was the worse. all this seemed to escalate, they had started with Tylenol at my request but soon that wasn't cutting it so we went to the prerecorded Oxycodone, which helped.

after my husband went home it was time to try to get some sleep, this is when the nurse advised me that they would be doing to neurological test every hour all night! Ah...okay.

I was around 10pm when the headache became worse, now it was getting my attention! I also had this sore throat which with the frontal headache felt just like I had a sinus infection,! so the nurse called the doctor and he ordered a few more things for my IV to help and they did, one was Decadron for inflammation the other sometime more for pain.

So for the rest of the night every hour it was neurology testing and alternating the Tylenol with the Oxycodone. needless to say that I was exhausted by morning and shaky, but felt much better the pain had almost subside completely ....at least I was alive and kicking and in good spirit!.

All in all I have to say it wasn't too bad, after all I feel like I got a second change and was going to make the best out of it!

I am so blessed to have God always watching over me; my wonderful family and friends that love me and support me, an awesome brilliant doctor and the people at BTG you are wonderful...all of you! you gave me comfort and support that I needed so badly after my diagnosis and hearing the stories so much like my own, someone going thrould a similar experience somehow gave me peace of mind and touched my heart, I want to thank each and everyone for being there for me. thank you BTG!

I have a follow up visit with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks to see how I am doing which I am very optimistic about, I feel pretty good today and know that each day will get better.I have an Angio in 3 months and if that looks good an Angio in one year, and if that one looks good possibly 2 year!

So for those who may have a new diagnosis I know that you feel like I did scared and uncertain. This is the place to be for support and stories like my which I feel is a big success!

I am ready for the next step in my life .....being healthy, having fun, enjoying my wonder husband Greg who never faltered in on my worst days of anxiety.

Spending time with family and friends.......especially my cute grandchildren!!

Love, Debbie


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Janey!  Congrats!  You sound so much better.  Keep it going.  Stay positive and heal more each day.  Good thoughts coming your way.  You are amazing.  


Debbie - I am SO glad to hear that you are feeling so much better and the procedure went fine.  It's me that is having the same thing done on Tuesday.  I have been on plavix for 2 weeks (bruises everywhere) and aspirin also.  I was told I would be on aspirin for life and plavix for 6 months.  This is just my diagnosis.  Yours may be different.


 I've been nervous but the fact that you are posting so quickly after the procedure really gives me encouragement.  Take it easy and continue your feelings of love and gratitude as those kinds of things are great for your feelings and healing.  So glad you have them.  Now rest up, feel better each day and keep us posted please.

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Well Done Debbie,


Isn't it good to feel that much love xx  You will get better and better.


Good luck to a speedy recovery.


Who's a brave soldier then ?


Love to you and family


WinB143 xx xx Take it easy xx

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Thank you all for you well wishes! I feel better each day and am so grateful.

BTG is a wonderful group of people.

Carolynusa, I will be thinking of you with your upcoming procedure, I was also nervous but please know you will be fine. Think positive, try to relax and keep the faith..... this is where you find my strength....... as well as surround yourself with positive "everything'

There are such wonderful  technologies these days it is amazing.

You are in my prayers and good vibes coming your way.



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