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Debbiephome - new member


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Hi my name is Debbie and I live in Oregon I was recently diagnosed inadvertently with a MRA for having a basilar tip aneurysm approximately 4 millimeters. I enjoy reading the positive stories they do help with the anxiety, but I am still so scared of the surgery and hope for a positive outcome.

I have good family and friends that support me and I feel blessed for that. I have good days where I feel positive and bad days where I feel anxiety and tearful day. I do have high blood pressure around 150 over 80 and we are trying to get that under control i was a recent social smoker but have quit.

I am looking for group support from those who have been through this and for those currently dealing with this scary diagnosis of aneurysm.

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Hi Debbie :)

A very warm welcome to BTG!
Glad you found us and the positive stories are helping with your anxiety. It is only natural to feel anxious and tearful. A huge shock for you when they found your aneurysm when you had your MRA, but a blessing they did.


Wishing you well for your surgery scheduled for April 15th and its good to know your Neurosurgeons both agree on your treatment.  
I had a ruptured berry aneurysm which was also basilar tip, brain stem. I was clipped and had 7 hours craniotomy surgery as mine was 3 mm, and told too small for coiling.

You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum and also lots of friendly support.
Well done on quitting smoking and hope your blood pressure will get under control very soon.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


Take care

Tina xx


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Tina, thank you so much for your response yes I am so glad I found this website it is so good to hear people are going through the same thing and you don't feel so isolated. even with family and friends it is nice to have others that I actually know what your feeling and your fears.I am glad that you are doing well, good to hear. Yes having my aneurysm rupture is a fear but I try not to worry to much I am pursuing allot. Does age play a big part in treatment's or the chance of rupture?

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Welcome....I am a new member as well, experiencing a SAH a few weeks ago on March 8.  I have been very encouraged by the outreach and compassion shared by the BTG.   I was born in Portland, Oregon and now live in Los Angeles...what a beautiful part of the country you get to enjoy.  Keep us posted on your progress.



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Thank you John, yes it is beautiful here in Oregon. As I mentioned I have surgery April 16th 9 days before my 57th birthday! I am nervous but keeping the faith. I feel fortunate to have found the aneurysm before anything happened.... I do have two aneurysms one apthalmic "which they are just going to monitor" and the basilar which they will coil and stent. I pray that all will go well with no problems and of course a complete recovery. Thank you for your response and well wishes, I will keep you posted.

Good luck on your recovery John!

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Hi Debbie,

I am on the east coast in Maryland. I understand your anxiety. Two years after my bleed I still suffer from anxiety. Honestly, my bleed was utter shock, which is part of my anxiety. Think of it this way, you have the upper hand and more control than most. I will pray for you and your speedy recovery. All will be well. Have faith.


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Hi Debbie, a warm welcome to BTG.


i can fully understand your apprehension regarding your forthcoming surgery, I have been there so know exactly how you are feeling right now.  In fact I have been through coiling twice for a basilar tip aneurysm. Mine, which I think was 6mm, ruptured in 2008 when I was 46. It was coiled, but at the check up 3 months later it was discovered it needed more coils put in. This 2nd procedure was eventually carried out 11 months after the initial bleed, so I had far too much time to worry about it!  


The fact that yours has not ruptured is a great blessing and once the procedure is done, you will have peace of mind that it no longer poses such a threat.  For me, I think all my worry and anxiety beforehand was rather wasted - I felt fine afterwards and was discharged after a couple of days after the 2nd coiling. I know it's not easy, but please be reassured that you will be in good hands and the relief afterwards is immense.


I also have a 2nd aneurysm too, 3 mm, which is being monitored - I'm due for my next scan in August, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing has changed.


Wishing you well and sending a big hug to help you through,



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Hi Debbie ,welcome ,please don't worry ,I had a bleed 14 years ago and was coiled but only a month ago had a second aneurysm coiled and stented after they found a 6mm one on my brain stem ,the procedure was fine and I was out of hospital in two days.


They've now found two more 7 and 10 mm which are being monitored as they are in the carotid artery and difficult to operate on ,hopefully they won't cause death if bleed and will be scanned again in two years.


It's easy to say but try and remain calm and things will be ok ,please shout up if need any advice as I've literally just gone through the experience ,all the best xxxx

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Tina, thank you so much for your response yes I am so glad I found this website it is so good to hear people are going through the same thing and you don't feel so isolated. even with family and friends it is nice to have others that I actually know what your feeling and your fears.I am glad that you are doing well, good to hear. Yes having my aneurysm rupture is a fear but I try not to worry to much I am praying alot. Does age play a big part in treatment's or the chance of rupture?


Hi Debbie :)


I believe the Neurosurgeons take everything into account before deciding which treatment, everyone is different.

Some great responses from others here that know exactly how you are feeling.

Sending lots of positive vibes your way.


Wishing you well.

Tina xx

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Hi Debbie,


I had an SAH and remember nothing, just like a bad dream for me.


You will stress and worry but you'll be okay and it is scary the unknown but you'll be fine.


But a few fingers crossed from us all wont go amiss, so try and be positive, they found it before it bled.


I had mine coiled and had no trouble since (crosses fingers and tap on wood/head).


Good luck and let us All know how you get on xx.

Best wishes winging your way.


WinB143 xx xx (My Surgeon told me stress is bad for us but it's natural to stress, so I sing and stress my

Family out ha ha)

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Hi Debbie,


Welcome to BTG - as you can see everyone is rooting for you on here and you have every reason to be optimistic.  In answer to your question, I don't think age has much to do with it - there are younger and older people who have suffered this and recovered.  I was 54 when mine occurred and I am 59 now!


I am glad you found the willpower to stop smoking - that can only be a good thing so well done for that.  It will improve your health and your bank balance!!


Let us know how you get on, glad to have you on board.


As you can see this affects people on both sides of the pond but we all cross the bridge with our experiences and help each other!



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Thanks lovey ,I just take every day as it is and will cross that bridge if I need to ,hopefully I won't need another operation but looking more likely ,I do trust my surgeon so feel safe in his hands so what will be will be ,thanks for thinking of me and here if you need a chat xxxx

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Anyone else have post angiogram upper thigh pain? Seems unusual to have it on the 18th day. It seems somewhat muscular but I'm not sure, it is in the front. I'm just getting concerned that I'm not healing as well as It should, at 4 days post angio my little dog stepped directly onto it.... Ouch! But since I have had days where I thought it was much better and then days like today where it hurts..... I have my surgery in just over 2 weeks and wonder if they use the same femoral artery how it's going to feel afterwards? Just venting.... I'm a bit nervous

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Could just be bruising. I have had several angiograms, cerebral and cardiac and as far as I remember the entry spot and area was tender for about 3 weeks. Could be that when it feels better you do more therefore in the long run making it hurt again.


As you know we can't give medical advice because we are not qualified medically. All we can do is state what our puncture site was like and not everyone is the same.

If you are so concerned then see your GP or contact a neuro support nurse if you have one.

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Yes, of course I understand this isn't medical advertise. Mostly just wanted to see of anyone experienced something similar which it sound like it's not out of the ordinary for the area to still be a little sore/tender. Thank you so much for the info.


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I've had three angiograms and they went in the same one every time. I ended up with a deep bruise they thought might be a blood clot. It was not, but kept close tabs by doing a sono and giving me those darn heprin shots in my stomach. Hated it. If you are the slightest bit worried ease your mind and go see your doctor for sure.


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Glad to hear you are doing well! I am scheduled to have my basilar tip 4mm aneurysms coiled and stented in 10 days! I'm a bit nervous, it's one of those things that you are nervous about it but it has to be done. I am very blessed they found it.

My doctor has also ordered plavix for me 8 pills the day before the surgery and 1 tablet a day after for three months, and an aspirin a day for 6 months afterwards, he says it's pretty standard.

Hope that helps knowing I have been prescribed the same meds.


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Debbie just tell them about your pain you had previously and say can you be more gentle this time,

and smile, let them know that it hurt.  If they hurt you again scream out "you spiteful s*ds" lol


You will be okay xx easy for me to say !! I'd be scared also xx


Now trust in BTG & Win and relax xx.




Win  xx

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