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Change in vision?

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I had my non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage just over 2 years ago when I was 49. OK- I need to back a little- when I was  7 years old had eye surgery at Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Clinic for lazy eye. On a rare occasion when i would get tired my "lazy" eye would tend to go in towards my nose. My husband was the only one that would notice this because it was not very noticeable.


However, even before I got out of ICU several doctors would ask Bob- "has her eye always been like that?" and even still when I go to doctors it is asked. We went to Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Clinic after I got out of rehab (they still had my "old" records) and we took my records from University of MD.

They did all kinds of test and were sure I should have double vision. They told us that because of the scar tissue from my very first eye surgery that it prevented me from having double vision. How weird is that!!?? Right??

So fast forward 2 years. I recently started having vision problems- nothing like double vision, just very fuzzy, but not all the time.
We will be making an appointment at Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Clinic as soon as we can. We are in the middle of selling our house and moving out and will not be buying or moving into another house right away. So things will be hectic for the next several months. This will be stressful and I don't handle stress like I used to. 
I was just wondering if anyone else had an eye/vision issues as a result of SAH or after??

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May not be due to your SAH, could be something simple like a cataract. I was told before I had an eye procedure that it may be possible that it would cause a cataract sooner rather than later.

It is so easy to put everything down to your SAH when in fact it is totally unrelated

You really need to get your eyes checked as soon as you are able. An optician could tell you if it is a cataract.

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Hi Poni,


I have not had eye surgery but I wear glasses for computer and reading.


After my SAH my eyesight was worse and as Super said I could be putting it down to my SAH rather than

my age (she says sobbing in her tea). 


I now have stronger lenses and can read,  this no help to you but I thought I would tell you my eyesight was

worse after SAH.


Hope all is okay and you get it sorted out. (hubby had a lazy eye when younger) xxxx


Win xx xx

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On returning home after my SAH I did notice that my vision had deteriorated suddenly, blurry vision, double vision and needing glasses to read things on the TV which I had been able to read before. The double vision did subside after about 6 weeks although my overall sight has deteriorated slightly.



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Are you taking any meds for migraines like Topamax with adverse side affects? I have noticed since my bleed all sorts of weirdness with my body. You and I are close in age so who knows anymore. I wonder if stress could be causing it? Hard to say without seeing your doctor and knowing for sure. I swear before my bleed I hardly ever went to the doctor and now that seems to be all I do. I have a doctor to check every piece of me these days.


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Yes mine has, I have optic nerve damage, and like you have a lazy eye since childhood, my left eye went so far in towards my nose (it basically disappeared they told me)...


I don't handle stress at all like I used to but maybe just make an apt to get it checked out to put your mind at ease and make your house move just a little less stressful...


take care

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Hi Poni!  Prior to SAH and - like Win- I used magnifying glasses to read, knit, etc.  As I age my sight gets worse and worse.  I did notice, since sah, my sight is worse - especially in right eye.  It's still slightly "droopy" since sah.  I have never had complications like you describe but would certainly feel good pursuing it with as many doctors as necessary.  


Take care and keep us posted.  Carolyn

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I used to have fantastic night vision. I could read in extremely low light and there was no need to put a light on if I got up in the night. That all vanished in the bleed. I can't even read in candle light anymore when treating myself to a long bath. During the day my eyesight is usually ok, but my right eye can get blurry and will feel like there is something in it when I am fatigued. I was told that after sah it's best to have an eye test but that is something I haven't gotten around to yet - it's only been 3.5 years :wink:

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I had double vision.  Although, I didn't know that was what I was experiencing until I tried to look at the optical illusion in a magazine and I couldn't see it right.  I figured it out at that point.  I still get it at night sometimes and my astigmatism (before SAH) also shifts around, so sometimes glasses don't really work out.  I too have terrible night vision after the SAH as well.


I think it is NIGHT time that makes my eyes tired and then I can't see as well.  Some of it may be the eye muscles and some might be inner processing changes.  I just figure, it will run it's course.  I usually don't have issues during the day except if the sun seems too bright all of a sudden.



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