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MRI i go soon

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I'm not keen on the scanner either but I just close my eyes and think that i'm lying on a sunbed with the lapping waves around me and just get through it. Its not pleasant though. Can't really imagine many would like it!

It was lovely thanks- very peaceful. There were 5 sets of apartments, 1 little shop and a gift shop on the part of the island that we was so very quiet. Lots of relaxing!! Spent a fortune though on food, i ate like a pig!!!!

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Hi Myra

I've got coils and i had a scan - can't remember whether it was MRA or MRI - not even sure if there's a difference from a coiling point of view - it's worth asking your consultant why he thinks you can't have a scan with coils.

Sami xxx

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I didn't like my MRI scan either. Felt claustrophobic too. Horrible. But like Karen tried to imagine I was somewhere else. Paul came in with me too and I could see him through the mirror they have strategically placed so you can see outside.


I've not long had a MRI scan (6 months post SAH) and I've got coils. Perhaps the consultant meant that they don't do them too early after the coiling operation? Phone and ask your rehab nurse or phone the the consultant's secretary to ask for clarification.

Big hug

Lesley xxx

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no not for results been and talked to consultant and he told me what happened sent me for mri and said he will write to me with results x

There was no mention of anything else showing when i was rushed into hospital but i am nervous they will find something x

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Wonderful news Donna. That must have taken some of the worry off your shoulders.

I know you've been very worried about some of the symptoms you've been having, but hang on in there sweetheart. The healing process is long, takes patience and lots of time. You will have all sorts of weird symptoms and feelings, but when you look back in a few months time you hopefully will be amazed at how far you've improved and come since you left hospital.

A few months ago I never dreamt I would be without my pirate's patch and would be able to see without double vision out of my right eye, nor that I would be driving short distances and would be going out to shop on my own.

We're all here for you whenever you need us. People like Karen and some of the older members on here (in experience not age I hasten to add) have a wealth of experience and knowledge on recovery after a SAH. And never once has anyone posted on here with a query without someone quickly jumping in and offering support.

Big hug to you, onwards and upwards, have a lovely day

Lesley xxx

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Hey Donna

good to chat to you this morning and am soooo pleased for you about your results. Like I said, when you're feeling up to it, we'll pop over one weekend to see you - if nothing else but to try the cider :wink:

Have a good time this afternoon and remember to rest - even if you can't sleep.

Speak soon hun

Love Sami xxx

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