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Little dull shooting pains all day

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Just looking for some advice.  I've had little dull shooting pains in the back right side of my head since last night.  I slept through the night fine without issue but then woke up to them again.  It isn't anything that I can't handle but I can't firgure out why it won't stop.  It seems every time I breathe in or laugh hard I feel it.  I kind of feel like I'm going a little crazy here.  Like I said it's nothing painful but almost like a dull nerve pain sporadically shooting through.  I did have a good portion of the day that it wasn't happening but tonight it's happening again.


Should I be worried?  I just took Tylenol and an anxiety med and thought if it doesn't go away tomorrow that I'd call the doctor and speak to them.  Any thoughts or anyone get anything like this that lasts throughout the day?  This is a new one for me and I'm almost 6 months out of a NASAH.  Thank you!!

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Hi, I’m 19 months on after my nasah & still get sudden little pains in different parts of my head? yesterday I had one above my ear, but nothing since.... mine do usually seem to happen when I’m tired, but not always! I have lots of weird sensations I never used to have, but guess I’m getting used to them. If yours keep on or get worse maybe call Doctor to see what he says?? Hope they can put your mind at rest xx

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Hi Lyn... thanks!!  I just came from the hospital to get a scan.  My doctor suggested it this morning after I explained what was going on.  Thankfully it was negative but I have to follow up with him tomorrow in his office.  I definitely get pains all the time but this is something that feels different.  It's when I breath in or move a certain way a throb goes through the back of my head.  It's been happening since Friday night so it is worrisome that it hasn't gone away.  They say I'm ok..... so I guess I good.  Still have it though and don't like it at all.  Thanks for your support.  I appreciate it!

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HI Kris (hope it's ok to call you that),


If you are taking any tablets check the literature that comes with them to see if anything is mentioned about known side effects. That may do something to allay your fears.  If there is nothing in the literature then check with your doctors to make sure all is ok.  Better to be safe than sorry.


It may also be that you are noticing things more, that previously you would have paid no attention to, because of what happened to you.


Safety first, though, if in doubt get checked over.


Hope you are ok.

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Thanks everyone.  


I'm still sitting here with the same issues unfortunately.  My neurologist did not return the 2 calls that I made to him and my primary says there's nothing they can do for me.  


So frustrating!  I went to the urgent care center and they gave me an antibiotic for sinuses but only because they knew I was desperate.  My ears are clear.  


I also went to my dentist to see if anything was wrong and they found a fractured tooth but I don't have any tooth pain so I'm reaching here.  


Now tomorrow I get to blow $1200 on a crown that probably won't help.  At this point I don't know what to do so I think I may be heading back to the ER.  


Day 7 of this throbbing and if I didn't have other variables with Rhuematoid Arthritis and Ehlers Danlos which is a connective tissue disorder I wouldn't be so freaked out.  

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Thanks again everyone!  So I spent the day in the ER again yesterday.  They did another scan this time with contrast and said it was negative.  Said it could be a nerve thing and should go away with time.  They did give me a medication to take for headache/nerve pain but I think it's an anti-depressant type drug.  I don't take meds so anything new scares me but maybe worth a try.


At least I know it's nothing serious and can try maybe cranial massage or other avenues to help with it.  Not quite sure where this all came from and not thrilled I've now had 4 ct scans in a 6 month time frame but I guess the alternative is worse.  Thanks for all your support.  I appreciate it!

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