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My SAH by lpool_jan


I had my SAH on May 19th this year. I got up around 9am feeling fine. Around 1015 I went to the bathroom to wash, next thing I knew, BAM! I felt like my head was exploding. I screamed with the pain and my son came to see what was wrong. He helped me to my room where I fell onto the bed screaming and holding my head. I couldn't open my eyes and my neck was painful. My son called an ambulance and when they arrived the paramedic told me I was having a panic attack and to calm down. By this time I was curled up on my bed sobbing with the pain, semi conscious. The paramedic asked me if I could walk to the ambulance and when I moaned "No", he told me "Well, either you walk or stay here; Ive got a bad back." My son and a neighbour had to carry me to the ambulance.

On arrival at the hospital at 10.55am, I was seen by a junior doctor who diagnosed a bad headache and gave me paracetemol. He didn't examine me except for taking my blood pressure. My daughter told him that I had lost both my parents, a brother and a sister to brain haemmorage and he told them this was irrelevent and didnt even put it in my notes. By this time I was shaking violently and vomiting, unable to move my limbs, couldnt open my eyes, was semi-conscious and my speach was slurred.

3 hours later, the same doctor told me he would give me more analgesic and see about sending me home. Eventually, after 8 hours of being treated for a bad headache, a nurse in the A&E department took it upon herself to call for a senior doctor. He examined me and sent me for a CT scan where it was discovered I'd had a bleed. I waited a further 5 hours before being transferred to a neuro unit and underwent an MRI scan. I went to theatre to have my aneurysm coiled at 1 am. I spent 3 weeks in ICU. My family and I are very angry at my lack of treatment at the A&E.

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