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  • Who are we?


    We are Behind the Gray.  An online support community for those whose lives have been affected by a SAH/Subarachnoid Haemorrhage or Stroke. Our aim is to offer friendship, support and a place where you can share your highs and lows. 


    We're not qualified to give medical advice, but hope that you can benefit from our own experiences and those of our families. 


    Our online support group


    Joining an online support group can often be an excellent way of coping with your illness. Recovery for many can mean months and even years of adjusting to a different life after SAH.  


    If you're experiencing difficulties after suffering from a SAH or stroke or have difficulty leaving your home, an online community can often provide a useful tool to help you cope as you recover and adjust to life. 


    You may find useful information and tips that you might not have been aware of about your illness or to support you in caring for a loved one. 


    The community aims to help by providing the answers to your questions that you otherwise might spend time worrying about or searching for an answer.  The community of our shared experience is what we have in common. You are not alone. 


    Membership and posting


    By signing up as a member, you'll be able to access our entire support forums straightaway as some parts of the forum are only available and visible to members. 


    We recommend using an alias when you join which means you can keep your identity anonymous whilst online.


    Choosing to have an alias to make posts helps many become more candid about their feelings, fears and frustrations. It also means those who return to work can vent their true feelings without fear of recrimination, reprisal or bullying due to their new vulnerabilities.


    All posts are moderated by an experienced team so an alias is not an excuse for trolling and any members not displaying suitable online manners and courtesy to others will be banned from the site.  


    Those who wish to make those personal friendships can still do so through the site's private messaging system.


    It costs nothing to become a member of BTG and we hope that you find benefit in members posts and share your own experiences, we only ask that you consider making a donation to the running costs of the site so we can continue to help future survivors . 


    Join us now


    “During my own recovery, I have found the support of others who have been affected by a SAH or stroke to have been a great comfort. To be able to communicate with fellow sufferers and share experiences is of paramount importance and a great aid to recovery; I hope you will join us and benefit from equal support".


    Karen Hyder, founder of Behind The Gray 

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