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My Story - Julie SAH August 2012


It was 530pm i was preparing dinner and came in the living room to talk to my husband,who was home unusually early from work(how lucky),my 12 yr old daughter was upstairs(thankfully).

As i stood there i had a strange sensation like liquid running down the back of my head,i told my husband i felt funny as i stood there i said i really dont feel right,he got out of the chair held my hands and told me to sit down,he looked worried so i knew something wasnt right,turns out my eyes were rolling and my mouth was down one side,he thought i was having a stroke.

An ambulance was called and arrived very quickly,by now i was semi conscious and had been sick(which i dont remember).I was taken to A&E after a CT scan was confirmed i had SAH caused by anuerysm bleed.

Next day i was moved to Queen hospital Romford had coiling done.They looked after me wonderfully.Came home after 7days.

Went back to work reduced hrs in november 2012.Am now driving again.

I suffered quite bad depression in those early weeks after coming home still take antidepressents for that and anxiety thats a small price to pay.I worry when i get a headache,which is quite often now but guess thats to be expected.Had an MRI scan 2 weeks ago will be glad to here results of that.

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