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Posts posted by lynz

  1. hey thanks for all the positive comments i am very proud of myself !!!! i hope i can inspire you all to believe that you can achieve anything if you put your mind too it , my examiners want me to do a statement about my condition and the things that i had to overcome to pass my exam ,if any of you want to give me any quotes from yourselves to use that would be great or anything that you would be worried or put off by doing an exam p.s im not being big headed just v proud of my little self haa haa !!!:wink:

  2. hi all , sorry i haven't been on for ages as i have been really busy starting up my new business with my hubby ....anyway good news some of u might remember i took my maths exam and failed miserably anyhow i took it again and i passed with a gcse grade a !!!!!!i know i was shocked myself !!!!so now im being put in for an achievers award , so anyone out there doubting themselves DONT believe me if i can do it so can you xxxxxxx love to you all lynz, the grad a student hee hee!!!:razz:oh just so u know i got an f in maths in school !!!!

  3. hiya kate , i know exactly where you are coming from i was 27 when mine happened so people look at me as completely normal , how old were you ????this is the best web site have found and the people on here understand and are very helpful ......lynz

  4. hiya zoe , after my sah my hubby was in pretty much the same position as yourself we have two little girls and had just bought our house so had a massive mortgage , i agree with the rest of the guys about seeing the gp .....my parents were a great help luckily i would of probably lost my house ......go to citizens advice they are fab and when it comes to benefits they are the best , my hubby rang my mortgage company and they were very good and sympathetic it might be worth a quick call....keep your chin up hun wish you and your partner the best its a shame theres not a pot of money that people in this situaton can acesss i will try and rack my brain and if i think of something else to help i will let you know take care lynz .....and by the way you are not selfish you are wonder woman !! and super mum !!!!all wrapped into 1 xxxxx

  5. wow, blimey how lucky was she , the walton were she had her treatment is amazing thats were mine was coiled .Mohsen Javadpour is my consultant hes really good i had them black spot things in my vision pre-sah and he said they are early warning ......just had my peepers checked there ok ish but im gonna keep up regular visits now !!!!! i wonder if the lady joins btg ????

  6. hiya peeps , after 3 yrs you would think it wouldn't bother me , but recently ive had a weird viral thing.an hand on heart it scares me soooo much i know its nothing but im so tired d have been feeling dizzy and sick and just out of it, my throat is swollen and i know deep down its nothing to worry about but i cant help secretly worrying that its another bleed because i don't remember my symptoms from last time , my next scan is not due till 2012 im feeling very vulnerable at the mo .my only thought that would help was posting this thread , i know im being silly but i feel like a scared little girl .........lynz......

  7. hiya michelle , i saw a neurophysiologist after my sah at the walton in liverpool , and from my personal experience i thought it helped alot they understood what part of your brain does what so helped me understand why i was thinking and doing certain things and they can help you with coping techniques , after my sah i became very angry and very scared but after seeing the neurophyc for a couple of months she helped me a great deal . i hope it works out for you how many sessions have you been booked in for ??? lynz .....

  8. cant really remember what the link was, i think the increase of bp is 5% when on the pill for a long duration i might get in contact with one of the neuro nurses on my ward at the time see if anything ever came off it. the lady said they were doing a study into the links betwen the two , if i hear anything i will let you all know ....

  9. i think you are doing amazing , i must admit i lived my first yr and a half living in denial and i refused to believe i was any different, but 3 yrs on i have come to terms with it i used to feel very weak and feeble and felt v inadequate around people but that got better with time my answer to anything confusing or demanding was to burst into tears !!!! i think its because an sah is such a big thing it does make you feel vulnerable and isolated but this website has helped me an awful lot , take care baby steps help i found..........lynz

  10. hiya zoe , when i was in hospital i became very upset and for a while i hid under my covers and cried , i think its because your body and brain is so exausted you become depressed and weepy well thats what happened to me i think . i think after an sah your brain plays funny tricks on you and its hard to separate whats not real and what is .i would start talking then either fall asleep mid sentence or just change was i was saying completely . i would speak to the docs if you are worried even just to put your mind at rest you have enough to be worrying about at the mo , take care lynz

  11. thanks ern , yeah my frustration comes out quite alot i was seeing a neurophycologist and she was very good helped me alot its hard trying to be who you used to be !!! but i take comfort that at least i am still here and things could of been alot worse , yeah 3 yrs on for me and still improving

  12. thank you for all your replies , i feel much better now .its funny 3 yrs on and im finally getting to know myself weird eh!!i look in the mirror and see the same old lyndsey but what you see isnt always what you get i have good days and bad days like you all but its so nice to know people like me, kel i get that weird tingling hand thing in my right hand the doctor thinks it might be neuritis ?? but hes not sure .....lynz

  13. i agree that we dont get enough aftercare support i think if we had 1 leg missing or a visible impairment things would be different ,glad to know that other people get the same after effects , think my nervousness of travelling poss comes to a car accident when my daughter was little and i think im more aware that things do happen in life but that's not saying im down far from it ,im probably the happiest girli i know well most of the time the glass is always half full for me lynz

  14. hiya all, im newish on this website and i don't really know anyone who have suffered sah and survived them , i wonder if anyone can tell me if they suffer from these after there sah 1=cotton wool head as i call it , where your brain cant take things in properly anymore like processing information 2=balance problems sometimes people look at me because i look drunk !!! 3=inability to explain things the way i want and sometimes i slur my words which my 2 children find very funny !! there are quite a few more but i cant think of them oopps i also panic over silly things like travelling or meting people ,i guess many people have these just wondered how many :-D lynz:-D

  15. hiya, i have no memory of my sah at all ,i can only go one what my little girl tells me , i too find it very difficult to deal with as it was such a big event in my life and i cant recall it , its like having a dream that you just cant remember , i dont know if i fell and banged my head or my ani burst ??? i sometimes get scared in case it happens again cause i don't remember the symptoms . i too get very tired i have gone back to work recently for 1 day a week but im thinking of packing it in because im soooo tired after 3 years i think im just coming to terms with my sah and that i know im only 30 yrs old but i cant do what i used to .i feel very frustrated sometimes but then i remember how lucky i am to be a mummy and a wife

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