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Posts posted by Kathyv

  1. Not a bad joke it made me laugh. I saw doctor Friday morning and they always give a choice of ct scan I said no as I have had so many in the last two months. Tylenol helps but it wears off in 5 hours. Doc said if the Tylenol helps it's probably not a bleed.

    I love that letter I am going to print it out and read it every day so I know I need to take it easy. I think that is my problem I try and do too much when I feel good. I have been drinking so much water. When I was in the hospital they couldn't believe how much water I drank.

    Thank you for your help have a good night. You be well too.

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  2. Thank you so much for all your responses it is very helpful. Work has been supportive (I am on a 12 week FMLA) it is me that puts the pressure on myself and have been at my place of employment for 30 years. We just had some lay offs for the first time ever and so far 9 people have lost their job. One person was my co-worker who worked with me. They have restructured and I will be doing both jobs when I return but with some extra help. I need to work as I carry the benefits as my husband is self-employed.

    Headache is better today I am staying on the Tylenol and gave in to the doctors orders of gabapentin before bed (for the neuropathy) and had my first good night sleep last night. I don't like taking medicine but have to do what I need to do to feel better. I have a very supportive family so that helps tremendously.

    These headaches, when I get then, are so different than other headaches my head feels like it has a lot of pressure in it and my neck hurts. I feel like I am walking around in a cloud like my perception is different.

    Do others feel that and what helps it other than Advil and ice packs?

  3. Hello everyone,

    It is so good to find a place where people can understand what you are going through. I had a subarachnoid hemorage on October 28, 2014. Was in the hospital for 10 days and had no complications. It has been a slow recovery with some headaches. Some bad enough that I end up in the ER or doctors office.


    Have had a headache since yesterday so went to the drs today and they think its stress. They did say I could have a ct scan but I have had so many and I refused.


    Tylenol helps but I have been on it for three months. The week before thanksgiving my arm swelled and I found out I had blood clots from wrist to the neck so I am on blood thinners (warafine) which makes me nervous about another bleed. I am learning as I go about what to do, like drink lots of water, and learning my limits which is hard.


    Some days I feel like I am in a fog and can't focus On anything. Very worried about returning to work next month as I have a stressful job. I also have small fiber neuropathy and Sjogren's. I look forward to learning more on how to deal with this. Thank you.

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