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Posts posted by Issy

  1. Hi there, 


    just saw your question and I can totally relate! I had a SAH a few years ago and also being menopausal I did ask if HRT was an option. Initially I was told no, not suitable because you have had a bleed in the brain. Fair-dos.


    But, decided to ask again last year and I was told I could have HRT because the bleeding bit only applied to whether a blood clot caused your injury- and new research had shown that ruptured aneurysms didn’t have that same risk.


    There is a bit of restriction as not every option is suitable but I started HRT about a year ago and well, it’s been fab to be honest! Good luck with your doc visit. X 


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  2. Thank you for all your lovely and helpful replies!
    A wee update on the noise front. I can tolerate a bit more now but I still have to stick my earplugs in- and even my fingers as well sometimes. I do get the odd strange look but it doesn't bother me.

    My hubby is very good, my kids are older so handle it all ok and worry about me constantly when I am out about whether it is too noisy. Just why do supermarkets etc have to have music playing so loud? Beyond me !!!

    Hubby came gone with some ear defenders- big massive blue and yellow headphone things. Nice idea but I am not up to wandering around Tesco looking like a raging wee minion!! Haha

    I am trying to listen to music a little bit, wee bursts of 20 minutes ( all I can put up with) a couple of times a day. Watching tv is getting a bit better but not great!


    Progressing well otherwise. I hope all of you are well and just want you to know it is just great that you all have such good advice and support. Very grateful.
    Issy x

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  3. Hi Win,
    Yes I get abit of buzzing/ringing going on too. I just can't seem together over this wee hurdle just now so today has been a bit if a blubbery day feeling sorry for my self!!!! Be fine tomorrow - but no singing - only in my head as it's too noisy otherwise!!!


    Thank you Claire, been sunny here today so all my neighbours have been out with lawn mowers etc at various times if the day - driving me nuts, my earplugs have been in constantly!!!! I must be the only person wishing for rain - and peace!!


    I also worry about when I do go back to work as I am a Midwife and we can be in some seriously noisy environments! Cross that bridge when I get to it........
    Nite all
    Issy x

  4. Thanks Skippy and super. The neurosurgeon has said it can take up to a year. I have just found over the last three months that that is the one thing that hasn't improved. My hubby and kids understand but rest if the family and friends just don't get it. Very frustrating!

    Super Mario you must be very strong willed to be able to switch off but at the minute I can't do that. Hopefully as time goes on things may change.

    Issy x

  5. Hi,
    I had an SAH at the end of May. I had coiling done and have since then been progressing quite well on my road to recovery.


    Apart from other wee bits that still are a tiddly problem but are getting better I have this chronic issue with noise. I have gone from someone with reasonable hearing to having hearing like a bat but it is overwhelmingly deafening!


    I can tolerate a little bit of noise- tv on low volume, one person talking to me, being in the car, for example. I cannot tolerate people chatting around me, buses, cars. Music, radio.


    When I went to the hairdressers today with my son for his back to school haircut (scalping he says) the radio was on in the salon. The boss wouldn't turn it down so I had to stand outside until he was done. Finding that environments I never even considered to be noisy are now absolutely intolerable

    I have started using wax earplugs as a measure to reduce some noise but they aren't always great.


    Starting to feel quite fed up that I won't be able to tolerate simple environments- going to a cafe for a coffee is out of the question- has anyone had this and what did you do to solve or manage it apart from, like me, staying in!
    Issy x

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  6. Hi Fay,

    I just recently joined BTG and the info support and comments are invaluable,. I am only a couple of weeks ahead of you , I had my SAH on the 31st may .

    When I woke up a few days later I said to my hubby that I would be home by the end of the week and back to work the following week!

    Big hahahaha!!!

    I now realise you do need this time off just to rest and better rest. Got to give your brain a chance to heal. I would be lying if I said boredom didn't strike now and again but I am just glad to be here and enjoy the little things. Work can wait, the place isn't going to fall apart without little old me for a while!!

    Good luck on your recovery.

    Issy xx

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  7. Aw thanks Win , had a bit of a blubbery morning but feeling better now, going out to hobbycraft this afternoon to spend some of hubby's cash on crafty treats for me. Lol- may even have a coffee, will let you know!!

    Take care...


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  8. Hi Clare,

    I thought it wouldn't be too bad, and yes I was holding on to the trolley and him for dear life. Rabbit in the headlights comes to mind!!!!

    When I got out to the car I needed to lie down so lay on the back seat- I did get a few funny looks but I was past caring!

    I go out every day with either my hubby or the kids., I feel like the pet invalid being taken for walkies but wouldn't manage without them.

    For me it is bang on 7 weeks tomorrow. Still a bit of a way to go but I just take every day as it comes.

    Take are,


  9. Hello again Louise!

    Yes another Scottie- originally from Fife but work and live in dundee now. Where are you from?

    It's odd though even though I can't remember a thing about what happened that day and my kids and hubby have told me over and over I still can't get it all into some kind of order, maybe one day!

    Yes visitors are one or two at a time and that's the max. Earplugs are always in my pocket ready.

    Haha yes I can relate to the hand signal, I have something similar (and raised eyebrows) which does the trick.!

    Staying calm.....

    • Like 2
  10. Hi Sarah,

    Thank you. I did find that a wee trip to the shop (lidl) just to pop in and get fresh fruit etc was really traumatic with me giving up after just a few minutes and going out to lie down on the backseat if the car and leaving my hubby to finish the shop! (Which he managed fine!) that was about 5 weeks post SAH and my first big trip put of the house.

    I just find noise and movement around me really unsettling. It's a weird kind of off balance feeling. It does make me very nervous about going out and about and I have to have someone with me for now.

    I try and go out walking a couple of times a day which I am finding helps.

    My kids are good but they still have their 'teenage' moments but I do try to ignore their nonsense- can't deal with any stress! On the whole I can't complain about them or their dad, they have all had to make some changes for me.

    We are getting there.

    Thanks again

    Issy x

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  11. Hi Subs,

    Thank you, yes my hubby he has been just fantastic but I do worry that he won't look for help. He couldn't sleep last week all down to anxiety and worrying something might happen! We are supporting each other, that's what it's all about.

    I am so glad I joined BTG, you have all been so lovely and welcoming .

    Issy. X

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  12. Aw that isn't so good. Yes noise and movement make me feel quite giddy/dizzy/useless! Hoping it gets better if not, have to rethink a few things and learn to live with it. Only been out in the car a couple of times (not me driving- hubby) :) can just cope, no radio on though, sunglasses on and staring down at my lap to avoid looking at moving traffic which makes me dizzy.

  13. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for your reply, it's a bit mad with the noise issue as for the first two weeks I felt quite deaf!!! Been a total turnaround and now it is just really sensitive. I have been using wax ear plugs which have helped when things are too noisy. Just got to give it time, I know I am getting there, just can't have everything fixed at once !!

    Thanks again,


  14. Hi Clare and Michelle,
    Thank you. Yes some good days and bad days but been told that's what to expect so just being patient!!! Lucky in that I can have a bit of time off of work so able to concentrate on getting better.
    Yes noise, just started being able to watch a bit of tv but the volume has to be low, :( can't cope with cars , the Hoover, or lots of people yapping at once at the moment. Sure they will get better, fingers crossed.


    Yes my family have even surprised me! My hubby and kids have been great. We talk a lot about what happened as 'it' happened in the living toon right in front of them. For them I think talking has helped with their anxiety. My kids are 14 and 15 so a lot for them to deal with.
    Issy x

  15. Hello everybody,
    The day I typed in that message I didn't realise it had actually worked so please forgive me for not checking back in!! Massive apologies! Think I was having a bad day trying to concentrate(or not as it seems!)
    Thank you for all your lovely comments, I am really glad I found this site and have read lots on the forums which has helped a great deal.


    I am now just about 7 weeks since my SAH and was in hospital for two. I had coiling done for a ruptured PICA aneurysm. So, I think I have been very very lucky to come out the other end with the majority of me intact! I did however give my hubby and kids (teenage) a huge fright.! I am at home and being pampered to a degree but beginning to manage a bit more about the house and outside.


    Still feel a bit dizzy and wobbly on my legs sometimes (anyone else have that?) but it is slowly improving. Going out for walks everyday with my hubby just to strengthen up and get some confidence. Hearing is a bit of an issue as noise seems to really bother me, hoping this gets better too.


    Anyway, that's my story, looking forward to reading more on BTG- fantastic site- so relieved to speak to others who understand .
    Issy x

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