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Posts posted by Rog

  1. Hi all,

    You may remember me from a long time ago (last Jan/Feb).

    Well - not sure if I'm allowed to do this, so if I'm not, my apologies and please ignore this message but my wife has made a great recovery from her SAH last year despite the anni being coiled and clipped to due compaction.

    We are do a sponsored walk in May this year to raise money for the fantastic Wessex Neurological Centre who treated her. Please see her story on the attached and if you want to donate, anything would be appreciated.

    Best wishes to all



  2. Hi all,

    You may remember me from a long time ago:-D.

    Well - not sure if I'm allowed to do this, so if I'm not, my apologies and please ignore this message but my wife has made a great recovery from her SAH last year despite the anni being coiled and clipped to due compaction.

    We are do a sponsored walk in May this year to raise money for the fantastic Wessex Neurological Centre who treated her. Please see her story on the attached and if you want to donate, anything would be appreciated.

    Best wishes to all



  3. Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your kind comments. I think the general opinion is that I need to talk to someone and I guess your right.

    I do know things will get better with time but I guess I need a bit more help realising this!!!

    Thanks again and good luck/Well done to you all too with your recovery. My wife is an insperation and all of you are too.

    Rog XXXX

  4. Forgive me for writing but I was hoping for some more reassurance.

    My wife continues to improve. It's been 7 weeks since the SAH and coiling.

    She's up all day, uses the computer, goes shopping, and takes care of our daughter - all the normal everyday things. Gets a bit of pressure on the top of her head when she's tired but apart from that she's completely normal, she takes about two paracetamol a day.

    The only subtle change I've noticed is that she less patient than before the SAH and gets frustrated easier. This we can cope with as everyone used to say she was so laid back about everything so now she's just considered as normal :lol:

    I on the other am a total nervous wreck. Still can't leave her for the fear of something happening. I arrange for someone to be with her constantly when I'm not there, be it her Mum or a friend. I am so scared!!!!

    I wake up in the night just thinking about it and to check she's OK.

    Every noise in the house panics me and I shout her name to check she's OK.

    What I said earlier is possibly wrong. She understands my fears and need to have someone with her, so I guess she has still got the patience of a saint!!!

    I'm constantly looking on the net for reassurance although sometimes the amount I read just puts the fear of god in me!! I want someone to say she's going to continue to get better, she's going have a normal life expectancy and everything will be OK. Although I know this and even the Specialist Nurse told me this, I still want to hear it all of the time.

    I'm desperate for her 1st MRI/Angio to take place. just so I know all is OK with the coil (7mm rupture/puncture on the right anterior communicating artery - SAH grade 2).

    I try to stay positive and I'm fine when I'm with her but when I'm not, I'm so scared.

    My problem is our 3 year old daughter and I was with her when it happened. We are good and try to make light of it all with my daughter now who seems to fine with everything now and even does impressions of Mummy throwing up all over Daddy :-D but I still re-live every day. I even get dark thoughts of life without her and then I have to kick myself out of it again. I hate it when that happens.

    I worry about the coiling. Is it OK, will it last? has it a scar now so it's safer??

    My wife on the other hand has such a strong positive attitude. She's of the opinion she’s here with no deficits/problems, she got through it and she can't worry constantly about what could happen and wants to get on with life.

    Life is wonderful with her and my daughter right now but I sometimes have this terrible guilt in me that I shouldn't take any of this for granted and must always remember what happened and treasure her because something can take it all away again and this just stabs me in the heart all of the time. I don't seem to be able to accept it the way my wife has.

    As you can guess, I love her so much and we have had so much bad luck these last 6 months. In Sept last year I too was rushed into hospital and diagnosed with a condition called ITP. Platelet count down to 2 (should be 150 to 400), haemorrhaging and ended up in and out of hospital and on lots of steroids and a splenectomy. Just got our lives back on track and was being tapered of the steroids when this happened. But hey - we're still here!!!

    Sorry for going on XXXXXX

  5. Hi Rog sorry to hear about your wifes illness it is a scarey time, my wife had her sah 22months ago now,she had 2 aneurysms and had the first coiled and another clipped a few days later, it was the worst time of my life as i'm sure it was for you, recovery is different for everyone and your wife seems as though she's doing very well, the last 22 months has not been all steps forward there are times when things dont move forward or may seem that things have taken a step back but it was a serious illness and she has come through it but recovery can be long and drawn out for some and for others things seem to go much better so good luck to your wife with her recovery and remember there is no point in worry about what could happen as it probably never will, Best wishes to you both Rod

    Thanks Rod - I was just reading your story too. Filled me up a bit. I like you and not good emotionally but we get there in the end!!

  6. Hi All,

    Thanks so much for your responses - much appreciated.

    Paul - I had already read your story and updates prior to posting my wife's situation. Lin has amazing strength. Infact you're both amazing people. Best wishes to you!!!

    We're now 18 days post SAH and coiling and it's like nothing has ever happened!!! OK, she gets tired easily and sleeps more but apart from that - everything is so normal.

    She's sat right now on the floor playing with our 3 year old daughter.

    It's me that's the total wreck. Can't wait to get home to her, so scared when I'm away from her - a complete mess!!!

    That said - I'm so proud of her

  7. Hi

    My wife suffered a SAH on the 6th Jan at 8am. Fortunately (although scary), I found her unconsious and with the help of paramedics managed to bring her round. She was very distressed complaining about a headache and neck ache. She then started to be sick and was taken to hospital.

    Aftetr a scan it was decided to move her to Southampton Neuro Centre were she underwent coiling by angiogram due a rupture at 3pm on the same day.

    Although she doesn't remember, she was totally with it (sleepy) and could answer questions and passed all the reflex tests.

    She spent less than 12 hours in ICU and was moved to the obs bay of the Neuroward. Infact the Friday morning when I went to see her in ICU she was eating toast.

    In the obs bay she spent 4 days in the obs bay were she slept most of the time suffering from headaches although she did have moments when she was totally OK.

    Following improvement, she was moved to a normal ward were she continued to improve.

    She was unable to take the ant Vasospasm pills as these kept dropping her blood pressure and as already has low blood pressure it was decided that taking these tablet could cause more harm than the risks associated with vasospasm.

    She has continued to improve and was sent home 1 week and 1 day after her surgery.

    At home she seems totally normal although very tired from time to time. She sleeps deeply and doesn't seem to suffer from any headaches much.

    Fifteen days after her op, she was getting my daughter ready for nursery this morning.

    Whilst I'm delighted with her progress, I'm also terrified as it all seems too good to be true.

    I'm scared of this vasospasm occuring or anything else. I don't sleep and watch her most of the night. I so frightened to leave her even for 10 minutes and can't wait to get back to her. As you may have gathered - she is my world!!!!

    The fact is whilst she is recovering - I'm the one who's the wreck.

    Based on her recovery so far (15 days in) is she still at risk??? is it because we acted so quick she came through this so well?? i need reassurance. She's doing so well - laughing wanting to get up and do things etc. I don't want this to stop. She's always been strong and I'm so pleased that she's got through this without any problems but I continue to be petrified of taking anything for granted.

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