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Posts posted by Polyanna

  1. Thanks very much for your replies. It's very good to hear from you and your belief in me certainly makes life easier. I believe, as I think I've shown by having private physio, there's a lot out there, so never give up hope!!

    I learnt something yesterday by seeing the Orthotics Consultant that if I hadn't seen him and listened to my physio, they both told me, that within two years I would never be able to walk again, if I didn't pursue intensive physio (all thanks to my physio!).

    Will be in touch soon.


  2. Hi you guys!

    I had a stroke 3 years ago, at breakfast time and was then found at lunch time by my 13 year old son. I thought that I was talking but I wasn't, just gobli goo, and by 6 o'clock I was unconscious. I was in hospital for three months. I am right-side hemiplegic but I can just about walk with a splint. I had to learn to talk again, and now that it's been three years, it's improved considerably.

    This year a friend gave me some money which has been spent on Physio which has opened up my life and has found things which the NHS would never do. Although I am still with the NHS, my private Physio has taught me things I never knew, and has also referred me to the NHS for continuation at a far greater level. The orthotics consultant warned me if I dont change my leg splint I would be doomed to a wheelchair and probably a home within a short time. By seeing this private Physio, he has opened up a new world that the NHS may not have shown me and maybe even saved my life; you just need a good Physio to tell you how to go about it.

    Having previously been a top exec PA for a very powerful person, I have now learnt to live with this stroke. Hard as it's been, I have never given up and I still think times will get better. They better!

    I was determined to do whatever I can do with support from my son and my boyfriend, I am very lucky to have them.

    The last three years have been the hardest time of my life, but you have to carry on.

    Good Luck to everyone with whatever sort of stroke you've had and always believe that there's still something that will happen.


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