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Posts posted by Dransdell

  1. I suffered a SAH on 8/1/2006 which went untreated for approx. 12 hours as I laid there in severe pain, no vision in my left eye, vomitting and unable to handle any noise or light. I was eventually transferred to another hospital, underwent MRI's, CT scans, etc. only to be told that the SAH was at the end of a deadend vessel. That vessel had not closed in on itself and there was no need for surgery, which was great news. The blood that remained around my brain has natually absorbed over time. I was prescribed pain medication and sent home the next evening. Ever since, I have lived with pain in my head/brain (most doctors call this a headache) that has been dibilitating. This pain is not like any headache I have ever felt or heard of.

    I have been prescribed a number of different medications to help with the pain but nothing every takes it away. Personally I do not like being on pain medications at all but find that without I am in so much pain it is not far from the pain felt at the onset of the SAH. I live day to day at this point not sure how I will feel hour to hour.

    I am searching for information about this side effect, others with the same side effect and possible solutions. This is one of many issues that I have been dealing with since my SAH but I beleive that if there is a solution for this the others issues would fall away.

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