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Posts posted by ticksinmyhead

  1. Julie, My neurosurgeon was consistently surprised at my progress so I don't think he saw any reason to keep me from driving.


    Well the good side for you is that they are aware of the others now so they can deal with them. I hope they are able to treat them all through non-invasive procedures. That has to have you a bit on edge.


    I am clear for now with a scheduled follow up scan in about 5 months. The thing that worries me is that I had a brain scan 9 months before my bleed and there was no aneurysm visible. So mine went from zero to bleed in no time. Time will tell if I develop more at that pace. 


    It's good to be alive and well though, isn't it? :-) 

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  2. Yes, I was cleared to drive on February 3rd when I was cleared for work. Thank goodness! There's nothing like being stuck without a vehicle.


    I've been taking a multivitamin that has a heavy dose of biotin in it. I'm usually pretty careful in using pharmaceutical products. I've also heard that once a person stops using Nioxin, the hair loss returns. That would be frustrating.

  3. Julie,


    I did read that the hair might grow back a different color or texture. It seems you are experiencing that. Mine hasn't even begun to grow back yet. Hopefully, it will soon.


    They put the EVD in before they addressed the coiling. They must have thought the pressure  was high enough to warrant it.


    As for Trump, well, I wouldn't shed a tear if you took him. :-) 

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  4. Thanks for all of the support everyone! It is fabulous to have a group of people to communicate with who have a similar experience. 


    I see a lot of comments that I should not have returned to work so soon. I'm in the U.S. where it's dog-eat-dog and every man, woman, and child for themselves. We're not expected to be sick, and if we are, we either fend for ourselves or go bankrupt.


    I could have remained out of work for 6 months on medical leave, but my vacation and sick time were running out and I would have been without pay. As I live alone and all of the bills fall to me, that would have been stressful, to say the least. So there was some incentive to return as quickly as possible.


    Thankfully, my boss is understanding. If I need to take off early, or come in late, he takes care of me. I haven't had much need of that though. I only had one day that I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and come to work. I do truly feel fortunate to have not suffered a more debilitating injury. 


    As for the hair, I'm intrigued by members like Julie Green with long hair who say that it covers up their bald patch. They shaved right across the top of my head the first night in the hospital so they could put in an external ventricular drain (EVD).  I woke up the next day with somewhat of a reverse mohawk.  Not a good look! So once I left the hospital, I opted to clip all of my hair to the same length to let it grow out.  Anyway, is the EVD not a common practice?


    Again, thanks for all of the motivating messages folks. It really makes a difference.  :-)


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  5. Hello,

    I experienced an SAH on Jan 6th of this year.  I was driving home at night when it happened. Unfortunately, I was not in an area I was familiar with so I had to continue driving for a few miles to find a landmark that I could provide to emergency responders.  That was a bit terrifying as the headache was so severe as to be disabling and I was afraid that I would lose consciousness. However, the emergency crews found me quickly and the hospital was on top of their game.


    I had a class three bleed (whatever that means) in a post-communicating artery. They put a drain in my skull that night and did a coiling the first thing the next morning. A day later, I had further coiling of a daughter aneurysm that became evident once the blood began to clear. 


    I consider myself to be quite fortunate as I did not lose any motor function, nor did I suffer from any obvious mental deficiencies. I was monitored in the Neuro ICU for 15 days after the bleed as I had some vasospasms and I experienced cerebral salt wasting. I was then sent to a step down unit for two days and released to home on January 23rd.


    I was released back to work on February 3rd. The headaches I had experienced since the bleed were controlled by Ibuprofen and the fatigue I had been experiencing had mostly cleared up. I did experience fatigue so severe that there was one day I didn't go to work, but overall, it was not frequent nor severe by this point. 


    It is now two months post-bleed and I no longer have headaches and the fatigue is minor. However, I feel that I may be more irritable or short tempered than I was previously. I asked a close friend if she had noticed any change and she confirmed that I was a bit different than before. So there's that. Again, in my book, that is a minor consequence although it may have impacts at work. I am an IT project manager and patience is a necessity.


    Also, I have a bald patch from the radiation  used for coiling. If anyone experienced similar hair loss and can tell me what to expect in terms of regrowth, I would appreciate the info.


    I am pleased to have found this group and I look forward to interacting with other members.


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