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Posts posted by janicegrewe

  1. i am amazed that you people are so energetic so quickly!!i do walk a mile a day and do zumba,we live on a farm and i have 2 horses to feed and clean dailey, but the first year or two after my brain bleed i did not do anything and my family pushed me to keep going.i am glad i did,i feel much more in control of things,i still get tired, but nothing like before!it has been 2 1/2 years since my brain bleed.good luck ,keep going!jan,the new meds have helped to get rid of the foggy feeling!

  2. hi david,i have no idea if what was perscibed for me would work for you,but talk to your primary care dr. and see what they say. i am on a generic drug for wellbutrin, which is an anti depressant, she felt that this would work for me ,since it has fewer side effects than other medicines,and if iam depress(anything is possible,but iam an optimistic person usually)and it was causing all these issues,well then atleast i am feeling and doing much bettter.she felt it would work connecting the nuerons,kind of like dot to dot,and she also said it would be a couple weeks for it to do the most good!i was not so tired that i would stay in bed,but i certainly did not have the energy i used to have.when i googled "post trumatic brain injury sydrome",it had all of my issues! i knew things were not right,and i was tired of being like that!i am so glad she is the type of dr. that listens!!and researches answers for me!!i was concerned about dementia,so i had to do an evaluation,which i did great on,so far i do not have to worry about that.i certainly hope this helps you,i really dislike the fog that i felt i was in all day,my focus was really bad.now it is way better.good luck,jan

  3. hi,i have been functioning in a fog with out much focus,talked to my primary care dr. she said i have "post trumactic brain injury syndrome" , she is treating me for this grante more meds,but i now feel amazing,lots of energy,more focus,no more mindless eating, enjoying things that i liked to do in the past but once the brain bleed happened i lost the interest,i now enjoy again!........it is so much better for me now.jan grewe

  4. hi all, I just had an appt. with my primary care dr. cause i felt like i was living in a fog,no motivation even though i knew what i had to do ,i just did not,any way there wer a lot of issues,no joy in what i once loved to do,a little bit of guilt for surviving this event ,so i felt i should be doning more,well she said i had "post trumatic brain injury syndrome",so she put me on some more meds to help the nuerons connect,like connecting the dots, well what a difference!!i feel almost normal!she said it will take 2-3 weeks for it to work correctly!so i am one happy camper!jan grewe

  5. I am soo sorry to have offended anyone! I realize we all have issues!But please give yourself time to heal!! 2010 was pretty much a non existant year for me and if I had to be like that I would have been a basket case!!!I have a very strong Faith which aided me in my recovery, and I take it as a compliment whan someone tells me I look good! When I was hopitalized,my sister in law was worry that all the swelling that occurred would be permanent!She said she had no idea a person's skin could stretch that much and then return to a more normal size!!!Since I have no memory of this,it does not seem to bother me as much,I was fortunate in not remembering or having troubling dreams or thoughts,I was truly Lucky!I am truly amazed that those of you who are just a few weeks or months past your hemmorrage are doing so much...I sat and did Nothing for3 months after I left the hospital!Please give yourself time,this was a life altering event!I remember having melt downs not knowing what I could do,but resting, going slow,helped me, and I had aLOT of drs. I had to keep seeing,for my breathing and swallowing.Not being able to drink water or any thinner liquid for 4 months was annoying!I do remember "fighting " with everyone about eating too fast!They were worried about me choking!But I started eating slower when my pulmonary dr. told me my throat had so much scar tissue, from beinf intubated, that the opening was only the size of a drinking straw!Well that made sense to me then,having it explained, rather than just being told to go slow!!2011 was better!but still not quite acceptable!,so I have hope for this year,may or may not be able to do a lot more but I can try!Jan

  6. Everyone keeps saying they are waiting to "get back to the way it was",i think this even we have shared gives us a new direction,so our stamina is not what it had been,so i guess then it is time for a new slower paced hobby. We farm and I really do miss helping out with field work,althought THIS year i am going to try to help work the ground,we'll see how long I can go...if not a whole day ,then I'll do what I can and that will still help. So I am waiting for the weather to dry to do this !!This year seems way better than last year!I had no desire to garden,which I love,but this year I am excited to try again!!I hope we are able to come to terms with our issues and find joy in what we can do...we DID survive!!Think a new thought today or even an old one,that we think is new!!Good luck everyone!Jan

  7. I too had unusual dreams,mostly funny ones or just plain strange.....i do remember in the early days in the hospital,my brother-in-law and his friend had been there to see me and i remember sheryl saying to take it easy and they would be back,but iI remember it as sitting in a wheelbarrow in a horse barn and i thought why would they come back to this horse barn!I laugh every time i think of it!!Jan

  8. My memory is basically ok,but there are times when my thought just leaves and then it is gone and I can not recover it,like I used to do,being able to rethink something and trace it back to my thought,now that is not possible.Just achange that I have to be aware of.Jan

  9. Hi Mike, I am new on here too! It has been over 2 years for me,and I think the worst thing that I remember is having double vision!!But one day while at home, it was gone!!my eye dr. said a lot of vision problems is the eye's reaction to stress.Made sense to me.Hope you find this helpful, it has made a world of difference for me.Take care,Jan

  10. Hi !This is great!I feel better knowing I am not alone!!mine was"probably an abnormality that rupture", my Drs. could not find it's beginning,but so far I am doing well,mine was December 27,2009.My dr. said he did not know of it happenning again. He said it was the type of injury found in accident victims,but I had not been involved in any! He is older and has lots of experience as he is a nuerologist,and i trust him completely.He has made some of the most difficult choices easier. I see him twice a year.Jan

  11. Hi Teechur,yep I am doing really well,except for the little things,that seems to bother me. Sometimes it feels like I am looking out of a box..just waiting!Yep, it has been wonderful not having any headaches,since iI used to get them fairly often,atleast every week! Not having them is really nice! I think the shunt has something to do with that,or not, anyway they are now gone...if I were to get a headache now,I would really worry. People are amazed that I have had any type of brain problem,I do not remember much of the hopital,I just remember that when I was getting better,there were only milestones,no set backs!!Even with having breathing issues,I was sent to the right Drs. and I do not remember having any pain or discomfort,even when they had to remove scar tissue from my throat and put in a stent..stent is now out(!)...truly amamzing....i went in having breathing issues,came out being able to breathe...it was great!!I am so happy to have found this group!!I felt really isolated,since the only other 2 people that I had heard of having this,died.Not much help from them!!I feel truly blessed!!Other than the inconvience of having to deal with it,it seems like only good things have happened as a result!!!My middle daughter is a teacher up near Flint,she was and continues to be a big help to me,yep always the teacher!!My family is very suportive,which makes this easier for me!I just remembered,(this happens a lot)that someone wrote about their sense of humor,mine is really different now,I find lots of things funny now that I did not before,but as I go on,I find it is best to laugh than be angry,it tends to defuse a lot of situations!!

    take care ,Jan

  12. hi all, I am new to this ,but i have had my hemorrage in december of 2009, in the ICU for 5 weeks, and therapy for another 4 weeks. I am alot better now,even doing zumba gold,which has helped with my range of motion and my balance.Still I find the anticipation of things is not there,I know I get excited about things,but the feeling of excitement is not there,does anyone know when that returns?I was happy to experince the return of my natural gait which I notice one day walking out of the grocery store. It surprised me,but made me oh so happy,since I did not realize that it was gone. I am from Michigan and I do not know of anyone near by with this condition.Other than having a shunt to relieve the fluid in my head, i am basically pretty good,the best part being, I have not had a headache in over 2 years!Is this a normal thing?It is reasurring to know there are others with similar issues.Any information would be really helpful!!Thank you,Jan

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