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Posts posted by Epaul1967

  1. I have decided to get a Tattoo to mark the anniversary. A cross with the date of my NEW birthday. I know some people don't approve of them but its a permanent way for me to mark what happened and a reminder to always celebrate and live life to the fullest.

    Thanks for all the wonderfull comments. You people are truly the best. God bless you all.

  2. Hello to everyone. I thank God for this site. I've learned more in one day than I've been told since this started.

    My second life began on April 7th 2012. I was in the middle of a 30 mile bike ride. I've always been blessed with great health. The pain started in my neck and worked its way over my head. To say it was a terrible headache would be a huge understatement. I continued to ride for 3 miles, to my girlfriends, scared that if I stopped I would pass out. She call 911 and I was taken to the ER. A great doctor called for a CT right off the bat and the bleed was quickly found. He called it an SAH and I was sent to a bigger hospital's ICU. After lots of prayers a second CT showed the bleeding had stopped so they made me comfortable and told me VERY LITTLE about what had happened. In 4 days I saw the Neuro Dr a total of 5 minutes. On the fourth day I was told that I no longer met the insurance requirements and was discharged.

    I worried my self to death for two days and then went to my family doctor. He arranged for me to see a new Neuro Dr. That Dr ordered an MRI and Angio. (Tues 5/2/12) Both came back clear. No Evidence of anything. He made me a follow up appointment and gave me a return to work slip. I haven't drove in a month and just like that I'm supposed to return to regular life like nothing happened.

    My life has changed forever and until today I had never heard of a NA-SAH. I've lived 4 weeks scared to death that it would happen again.

    If you haven't read it before....here it is. THANK YOU for everything you write on this site. It is all such an incredible help.

    God Bless

  3. Today is my first day on this site. I count it a blessing from God. Tomorrow will be 1 mth since my SAH.

    When it first started it was "critical" and I was sent to a big hospital's ICU. The first CT showed 2mm and blood but the next day, a new CT showed only blood. After 4 days I was sent home completely in the dark about what happened....would it happen again....and could I do anything to help or hurt myself. After a few days I was to see my GP and he was able to put me in contact with a new Neuro. He ordered the MRI and Angio. They both came back clear. So I really don't know where I'm supposed to go from here.

    I do know that I have learned more in 3 hours on this site then I've been told in 4 weeks.

    I praise God for this second chance at life and for a praying family.

    God Bless

  4. What a blessing to find this Thread. I've been in the dark since mine happened, but this has really helped me.

    Everything sounds the same..... I was in the middle of a 30 mile bike ride and the pain came out of nowhere. I kept riding because I was scared I would pass out if I stopped. I rode 3 more miles till my girl friends house. She called 911 and off to the ER I went. The first CT showed the SAH. I was sent to a bigger hospitals ICU.

    Tomorrow will be 1 month. The MRI and Angiogram were clear. Other than being a little wobbly now and then......and a slight headache once in a while I feel normal. I was cleared to return to work next week.

    I've did a little walking a few times but haven't even thought about riding again. The memory of what happened is to fresh. I guess inside I'm scared of it happening all over again.

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