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Posts posted by OneR2Esses

  1.  Hey everyone. 

    This past Thursday (10/21/2021) my mom collapsed in our local grocery store and was found by another shopper seizing. 


    An ER nurse called and gave me that exact info and added that they think she has blood on her brain and or a burst aneurysm. I rushed to the hospital in time to see her for a moment before medical staffed wheeled her in for an angiogram. 


    The doctor told me what our surgical options were; coil or clip, and that a clip would be preferred as long as her vessels were strong enough. 


    I was in shock and couldn't really think of any questions to ask. 


    It's been two days and so far the doctor is "very surprised" by how well my mom is doing. She is able to speak, after some coaching and firm sternum runs and can move all of her appendages. Physically, she does not appear to have any deficits. Momma is still incredibly groggy, though. I can only get one answer from her at a time and it's requiring a lot of repeating myself and trying to rouse her to get any more information from her. 


    They have her restrained for the time being, as she has multiple IV's, an NG tube and IPC's on her legs to prevent clots. The restraints irritate the **** out of her and she becomes incredibly agitated. She's a side sleeper and can't roll over with the restraints. She can't get comfortable so that irritates her more. I tell her every single time she tells me to "get the cords off" that I can't bc it's for her safety, don't want her to pull the tubes etc etc. Then she'll remember or notice her NG tube or catheter and ask about that. She doesn't know why she has to have them, so I tell her.. every single time. 


    I know all of the confusion is bc of the injury so it doesn't bother me to repeat myself.. yet. 


    I haven't seen or spoken with the doctor since the date she was admitted. I honestly don't know what to ask. I don't know what to anticipate. I don't know how to prepare for her homecoming or to send her to a rehab (I know it's early still). 


    The nurses just keep saying "no new/ major changes" & "we're just waiting & watching"  but what are we waiting and watching for? 


    I don't really even know if she just had a bleed or if the aneurysm burst. I don't know where in her brain it was located. Probability of recurrence? 


    I just feel very confused and left out of her treatment. I don't know what questions to ask. 


    A few things bother me and I don't know who I need to speak to, to have them addressed. 


    Momma wears contacts in both eyes and the nurses only found one. Each new nurse I have to tell them, the previous nurse doesn't mention it. Momma has partials but I can not remember if it's top & bottom or just the top, which I have at home with me. I have to tell every new nurse that as well. Her mouth is CONSTANTLY so sooo dry!! She's getting gunk build up all around her mouth & her lips are so dry and cracked and she's always asking for water. She's NPO so im using those mini sponges, but that's not going to quench her thirst. 


    The lack of communication on the staff is, quite frankly, scary. What else are they not telling each other about my mom's care?!!


    If anyone could help or guide me on what kind of questions to ask and what to do about the lack of communication I would be extremely grateful!!!


    Thank you for sticking around & reading my rant 😊

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