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Posts posted by Artisan

  1. Thank you so much for all the support and ideas. i will certainly follow them up.

    Things have changed since my last post. my partner was moved as id already said - to be closer to his parents who will be taking over care of him when he leaves hospital. He has since decided to end our engagement and got his best friend and parents to tell me this as he is in a very bad place since waking up emotionally and cant cope with it unfortunately and is finding things really difficult to come to terms with and his parents are telling me hes having tantrums and breakdowns (which isnt like him at all). He is devastated with the decision he has made but that doesnt help me pick up the pieces. I now have no contact with him or his family (as they are elderly and also finding this really hard as all their attention must go on their sons recovery)

    So now i have to just wonder if hes ok and try to get on with my life as if nothing has happened. Its hard......thanks everyone for help, But i wont have reason to come on here again due to the situation. x

  2. Hi,

    im rachael and my partner had a SAH in august. he is still in hospital but has been moved 50+ miles away and i havent seen him since he got moved as i have no transport, am off work with a bad foot, am a carer for my daughter and aunt who have cerebral palsy and dementia respectivly and have no support network. finding it really hard to get through such a hard situation right now and am feeling a bit hopeless :(

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