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Posts posted by Fern

  1. Hi

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I have had the additional coiling done and am now home!

    Went in hospital on Monday, surgery on Tuesday morning, then into HDU, discharged from HDU Wednesday afternoon. It all seems to have gone well, I have got headache and neck pain and am very tired but all things considered I am so glad I made the decision to go ahead with the procedure and now don`t have the worry of another rupture.

    Hope that my story might bring comfort to anyone else facing the decision on whether to have further treatment as I was incredibly scared before-hand.


  2. Thank you all for your support.

    Gill you did make me laugh when you said Google is not my friend! I am indeed trying to step away from it, although I do get comfort from the sites who's statistics are in my favour :-) I think I have resigned myself to the fact that I just have to "man up" (no offence intended to male users) and put it out my mind as best I can.

    I would add though that although my consultant quoted some not great statistics to proceed with the surgery, when I asked him what advice he would give a member of his own family, he replied he would recommend the procedure to coil the new aneurysm without question.

    Thanks again


  3. Hi All

    I am so glad to have found this site. I have read lots of your posts and realise that there are others who have had to undergo further coiling and will be able to emphasis with my feelings.

    I had a SAH in 2006 where a large aneurysm ruptured and was subsequently coiled. At the same time I also had a small unruptured aneurysm right next to this coiled at the same time. I had 7 coils placed in the ruptured aneurysm and 3 placed in the unruptured one.

    I was very fortunate and have made a very good recovery and went back to work, on slightly reduced hours, a few months later.

    I have been regularly monitored over the years and both coiled aneurysms remained completely occluded. However, at my last MRI scan there appeared to be some change. I was then sent for a angiogram to confirm what the change was. The angiogram showed that another 3mm aneurysm has grown in the small space between the 2 previously coiled ones.

    I have met with my consultant and he gave me the option of doing nothing and having regular scans to monitor, but he was unable to tell me if this new aneurysm had grown slowly since my previous MRI taken 3 years ago or whether it had grown overnight at some point.

    The other option he gave me was to have this aneurysm coiled too and this was what he recommended.

    I have made the decision to go ahead with coiling as I'm not sure how I would be able to live my life with the uncertainty of whether or not it may burst at any time. The procedure is scheduled to go ahead mid February.

    To be perfectly frank though I am absolutely petrified, as the consultant gave me statistics on percentages of "bad outcomes" and depending on where I research on the net I find information on statistically how risky this procedure is to other articles on the net that make it sound like a walk in the park!

    Any support or others experiences would be very much appreciated.

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