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Posts posted by JimmyC

  1. Thanks Chris, felt the same regarding the journey to work also. The Doc interpreted the restrictions for SAH as "no driving until in fit state of recovery" and deemed me fit! The DVLA chap was helpful and accepted my account without any issues, so fingers crossed your Doc/DVLA will do the same.


    (I've only recently moved to this GP Surgery and fair play to them they have a good system - phone up by 8.30 am and they'll give you same day appt....now my previous GP's.....well that's another story...awful, truly awful receptionist).

  2. First off, many thanks to Daff & Shricthism for the info and for making me get off my **** and ask some questions of my own!


    Saw my GP this morning and after looking up the driving limitations after a SAH, he deemed me fit to drive!


    My elation was tempered by the knowledge that i would have to deal with the DVLA... but a very helpful chap at DVLA confirmed to me that although they were still processing my case, if the Doc has given me the all clear (and my licence was valid) I can indeed drive again!



    A very happy chappy indeed.

  3. How do Gavin and welcome to the site - you've come to the right place for info and support!

    Rest is good - you're going to need it after what you've been through - so take it easy and drink plenty of water - that'll help too and you'll hear that a lot around here also!:wink:

    Re: Work......you're most likely to be off for a while, frustrating I know, as I wanted to 'get back to normal' as soon as I could...but these things take time and you don't want to rush back in before you're ready.

    Had my SAH Feb 9th, so a similar time to yourself, and I know I'm not ready for work yet.

    I've found this site has answered a lot of my questions and calmed a few fears, so have a root around some old threads see if anything pi f interests pop up.



  4. Hi, I'm James (or Jimmy) from Cardiff, I'm 42 , think I'm still 23, live with my amazing Mrs, Claire, and we're about to have our first child any.....minute......now!

    Had my SAH on 9th Feb 2013 and I guess like all of us on this forum, it was a bolt out of the blue! I didn't consider myself as a person likely to have a stroke, I was relatively fit, don't drink that much, don't smoke etc etc. So when it did happen.....BOOM! My world was shaken to it's core!

    I'd been for a. jog in the morning, first in a while but nothing too strenuous, had a

    little breakfast and then off to an ante natal class with Claire, where things were about to get interesting!

    First a touch of an occular migraine kicked in, vision disrupted that kind of thing, then whilst taking part in a group discussion on the various stages of labour, a whooshing sound in my head started.... and the sensation of falling. I excused my self from the room and fell to my knees in the corridor outside...thinking "this is odd". Luckily Claire found me and walked me home during which I thought I was having a heart attack - I felt awful.

    At home I went to bed, told Claire to "stop fussing" as it was only a migraine........

    Claire heard my moans from downstairs and found me in a bit of a mess....one ambulance later I was in hospital having various tests. I recall nothing of this period nothing for several days in fact. However, when I did come round I was duly informed I'd had a SAH and would need a coil fitted. Great.

    However I cannot complain. On the neurology ward in the UHW I saw people with bigger battles than me on their hands and saw how they made incredible progress. The Nurses were unbelievable. The level of care they showed....it's brought tears to my eyes just thinking of it. They were amazing. ****** amazing. The Doctors weren't too shabby either!!

    I think I've got off lightly..... fatigue, double vision, numbness in my left hand, but things are improving. Slowly.

    Thanks to this site I've learned that "slowly" is a common word during the healing progress!

    Oh, and drink plenty of water!

    I've managed my expectations accordingly.

    Bit of a long post but finally, this site has been a great source of information and also reassurance, so thank you to all who have taken the time to post on here - you've really helped a panicky dad to be to calm down and get his head around where he is!!

  5. Hi Lin-Lin, and thanks for the welcome - baby due at any moment as we are now at 38 weeks! Busy time catching up with preparations as the SAH was an unscheduled distraction to say the least! First child for both of us so a little daunting but exciting time too.

    How's life with your little bundle of joy?

    Will post on the introduction thread also - should've done that first really, nothing worse than a stranger crashing peoples' conversations!:biggrin:

    p.s. managed to stay relatively calm for the rugby - but I did watch it at home....being in the pub might've been a very different story!

  6. Hi,

    Had my SAH Feb 9th 2013 and a coil put in my noggin a week later. Out of hospital on the 23rd Feb and form B1 sent to the DVLA immediately.


    A week later I chased the DVLA. They had received my B1 but, apparently, it "would be better for me" if they resent me a blank B1 for me to submit and also for me to surrender my licence as "it might help". When asked how it might help, they would only answer that "it might" & "you'll be off the road for 6, 12, 18 or 24 months". All rather vague and unhelpful. I chose to ignore the DVLA's advice.


    So currently, I'm waiting for the DVLA to hear from my consultant and for them to inform me of their decision.


    Bit of a moany first post - sorry about that - but I am a little frustrated about DVLA procedure.

    BTW this site has been as great source of information and a huge reassurance that things 'get better'.....not necessarily at the rate we'd like sometimes but....what can you do!? So thank you for all your posts and all other info on this site.:-D

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