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Posts posted by debz

  1. After a lousy nights sleep, only 3 hours, I get up excited and a little anxious about going back to work as a teaching assistant. My surgery was 16 weeks ago now and with advise from my surgeon off I go.

    The first day back at school is always manic, greeting all my work friends was emotional and trying to learn even a few of the children's names in my class was difficult to say the least. My teacher, Duncan, has been a star today, I have never worked with him before but he was understanding and didn't put on me too much, thank goodness.

    10 o'clock brought the T.A meeting and to be honest I sat there feeling like I was there but not really there, kind of looking down on them all. When I did speak it was to ask people to please ignore my grimaces when my nerve pain kicks in as it soon dissipates, this was greeted with a lot of jokes, which before would never of bothered me (we do banter quite a bit) but today felt really hurtful. I am so sensitive nowadays :rolleyes5: All morning I had to fight back the tears, but I'm not sure why, I wasn't sad but they weren't tears of happiness either, just emotional I guess.

    After the meeting it was assembly time, another fight of the tears, and then break time. Boy, was it noisy in the staff room, everyone catching up with everyone else. This is usually my favourite part of my first day, but to be honest again I just sat there and listened and fought the urge not to cover my ears, lol. Might of appeared rude :wink:

    Back to class after that, Teacher was late back, busy on playground, so I had to take the class for 10 minutes. We just went round with me trying to remember names and getting used to little year 3's (I have been in yr6 for the last 5 years) and how different they are. Teacher then returned and spent the next half hour explaining the routines of his class, I felt a bit sorry for kids then, as I found it hard trying to put all this info into my brain, let alone them. God I hope I remember it all for tomorrow for when they ask me.

    I came home absolutely shattered, but because of the lack of sleep I'm not too sure whether it was that or a morning back at work. Only time will tell I guess.

    To all of you that are going back to work, good luck and best wishes xx

  2. Thanks guys, took your advice rang 111 and then went to GP. Seems I have concussion but nothing worse.

    Head ****** hurts again now though, feels like I'm just a few weeks post op not 15, but hopefully will recover from this pretty quick, going back to work on Thursday and am anxious enough about that anyway, let alone now with concussion to boot.

    Still, onwards and upwards as they say. :-P

  3. Hi quick question for everyone. Has anyone had a bump to the head post surgery? I just smacked my head pretty hard on the a wooden table after tripping up a step. I am 15 weeks post surgery and now have a lump (an extra one, lol) the size of an egg. Has anyone else been clumsy enough to do this? Not overly worried, but little concerned as quite close to my scar.

  4. Hi everyone, quick question.

    I had 2 coils fitted about 14 weeks ago now, and although I tire easily and my scar tingles and is still some times painful, I feel I am now back to running the house pretty well. Anyway, today my usually patient and supportive partner told me "I can't remember you ever being well actually!". Now this came as a bit of a blow as you can imagine, I know I complain sometimes if my tiredness and pain get bad but I try really hard to make ours a happy home and as close to what it was pre surgery. Has anyone else experienced their partners being less patient than they used to be? Is it, do you think, the trauma of it all for them coming out? I'm a little worried as he is/was a very patient man before (he works in the care industry) and is getting more and more irritable. Any ideas, experiences greatly appreciated.

    Debz xx

  5. Hi, name is Debbie and this is the first thread I have written, but then over the last few weeks I have had a lot of firsts.

    I had a SAH clipped 12 weeks ago yesterday and I have many questions. I was thrilled to find this site as I feel no one, including myself, understands what I am going through.

    I, foolishly maybe, thought that at the 3 month mark I would be back to my old self, have the energy levels I used to have and no longer feel in pain across my wound, was this just silly? I feel exhausted after only 2/3 hours of doing anything, which in turn make my head hurt and twitch a lot. I could really do with knowing if this is normal? I have an appointment with my surgeon in three weeks, can't wait, but it is so nice to finally find other people who have been through the same.

    I'm not a great sleeper or a great rester so I am maybe slowing down my recovery by doing to much. What do you think?

    Best wishes to all of you on here

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