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Posts posted by lawson8879

  1. Hi all

    I have been feeling poorly this week mainly sick feeling and headaches.

    I have been really stressed at work and am only 10 months post intracerebral bleed and hydrocephalus.

    I work 3 full days as a lawyer and find it hard :( I have a 2 year old and 5 year old but they are ace :)

    I have now got dizziness aches and my tinnitus is back with a veangance! Feels just like the early days :(

    Could it be a bug is it normal to feel poorlier than you used to??

    Thanks xxx

  2. Hi all

    I appreciate that I cannot and would not ask for legal advice, but I have complained to my hospital about why it took 48 hours to perform a ct scan to detect my intra cerebral haemorrhage, and subsequent hydrocephalus, but Having met with doctors, there seems to be a massive cover up with doctors supporting doctors and at a recent meeting I felt truly ganged up on by everyone there :(

    As anyone else experienced this?

    Many thanks Jo

  3. Had the results of my angio and MR scan today they can find no vascular abnormaility and the hydrocephalus is not returning yay!!!!!!!!

    However there is still blood there 6 months on and they are going to re scan me in 12 months to check for a cavernoma?

    Has anyone ever heard of this?

    My neuro said I am making a remarkable recovery as the size of the bleed was very big....:shock: I am now back at work 12 hours per week and feeling much better akthough still dizzy and tired!

    Just wanted to share as I usually only post when I am worried and today feel happy :lol:

    Jo XX

  4. Hi All

    Well I am now coming up to my 6 month mark and this week feel really rough again!

    I short, I had a bleed, which then led to hydrocephalus which was treated with an EVD and no shunt fitted, I suffer from Dizziness and sickness which shows no sign of let up!! They can find no cause for the intracerebral bleed....

    I had a great Christmas and then have gone back to work three mornings per week which has been tough but I need it for my sanity!!!!!!

    On Tuesday I was talking to another Mum in the playground and must have turned my head the wrong way and the whole playground started spinning it was like I had come off a roundabout - awful. Since then my head has been really bad - 5 days now - as if something has been all swooshed up inside my head? Does that make sense? Is this normal???

    I also have a complaint going through at my hospital - I was in there for 48 hours before a CT scan and allowed to fall twice during this time (I had no balance and was barely conscious, vomiting and worst headache of my life) and the hospital are denying that I had any balance problems!!!! They have admitted the falls, but said a falls risk assessment was carried out that showed no risk of falls...... I was heavily bruised but nothing too serious, but my question was if you had scanned me sooner could this have avoided the hydrocephalus?

    I do believe that my worst symptoms are the result of the hydro and evd placement and spend all my time thinking "what if" they had scanned me sooner it is driving me mad!!

    The bleed was cerebellar I believe which I think is balance? Sorry for al the questions - I was looked after wonderfully when transferred from my local hospital to Salford Royal but you get no aftercare at all and are left with all these questions and worries...

    Thanks All, yet again, for your advice :))

  5. Well I have been away from here for a while...!!

    I am now 5 months post haemorrhage, had a clear angiogram and just awaiting a final MRI scan in Jan as they cannot find a reason for the bleed.

    However, I am STILL being sick!!!!

    I had hydrocephalus, which was treated with an EVD, but surely 5 months later I would know if it had returned???

    I went to work yesterday just for 4 hours, sick last night then work today 4 hours and have just been sick during my tea! I did not feel sick either time I was just suddenly sick!!!

    Any advice from other sufferers, or hydrocephalus.... when it came back how did you know!??

    My mind is wandering and worrying....

    Thanks All XXXXX:crazy:

  6. Hi all

    I had an angiogram wednesday what a yuk experience .

    I have felt soo Ill since and had three migraines with aura is this quite normal??

    Also worried about them saying I need a shunt - is it likely I would know if I need one 3 months down the line.....

    Very worried ............

    Thanks xx

  7. Hi all - how is everyone....

    Well the ONLY good thing about this thing was the I lost 1 stone in hospital which was amazing.

    However, I now LOVE chocolate whereas before my bleed i was not bothered, and boy do I need the chocolate.

    It is as if my body needs loads of sugary treats......and apples!!!!

    I have put on 6 pounds already with lack of exercise, but am so bored all day I literally cannot stop.

    Any snack ideas to give you a boost without my bottom getting even bigger???!!!!

  8. Thank for advice

    I feel a teeny bit brighter today the problem is A and E for the brain problem is,not local but a fair,old drive away so I can't just go when I am worried......

    I just wish there was someone to advise (although I am so glad,I found your good selves....!)

    If the sickness would go away I would be a happy lady

    Am now planning to see ENT privately as I cannot stand this months waiting around. Do,you think that's an idea or waste of money

    I can't help thinking the pulsatile tinnitus and thudding in ear must be connected in some way .....

    Thanks xxxx

  9. Hi all

    Well I was feeling better and now for 2 days have been nauseous. Was sick once yesterday.

    However if I tip my head to one side it feels like everything then moves in my head about a split second later.

    Could the hydrocephalus be returning? It is 9 weeks since they removed the evd and a scan 3 weeks ago showed no fluid.

    Do othes have this dizziness feeling?

    Where do you go for advice..

    Thanks xxxx

  10. Mine is in top behind my hairline on the RH side - I think they go in there and the EVD that threads through and pops out the side of your head........ they have never actually explained to me!

    After I came home, some CSF leaked out of where there is now a dent, and I am paranoid about it happening again although I hope some 8 weeks post surgery this will now be ok......

    I am miss worry worry worry, the worst person this could have happened to!

    They still cant find a reason for the bleed (or stroke as they are calling it) which concerns me too....... I am having repeat angiograms in due course, but they never warned me about this dent.

  11. Hi All

    Love this forum it is like having some friends who can actually help!

    Last night (I have been feeling worse this week) I touched the spot on top of my head where the EVD drain went in after they made an incision and there is suddenly a noticeable dent that was not there a few days ago.

    My husband thinks that I am mental by the way, with my ever changing symptoms

    Is this normal?? I am terrified my head is caving in.

    Surgery took place on July 18th and it is today Sept 14th.

    Could this have anything to do with me feeling worse this week or am I being paranoid?

    Thanks Guys XX:crazy:

  12. Hi all

    Need support again!

    Had a bleed on 15 July with hydrocephalus and been home for 6 weeks now.

    Last week it was suddenly like a fog lifted in my brain and I could do loads more.

    I have 2 little girls and did walk to school etc!!!!

    Then WHOA! This week has been awful the fog is back. Tinnitus loud. Wobbly and today I vomited. I am still on cyclizine.

    Is this normal?... Been 6 bad days now. Feel like crying and as if I have gone back about 4 weeks in my recovery.

    Please reassure me this is normal??? Feel very low (

    Jo x

  13. Hi there

    I am now 10 days out of hospital after having a brain bleed which resulted in a clot which they are hoping will absorb itself.

    I had an angiogram and MRI during my two week stay in hospital, as well as having an EVD draining fluid for 6 days.

    The consultant could not find an aneurysm on the first scan and I have to go back for another MRI and angiogram in 3 weeks - I have just turned 34 three days ago.

    I am terrified.

    I have a one year old and a four year old and am finding I have good days and bad days but the sickness is getting unbearable! I am on Cyclizine but if I dont take it I can be so sick. Is this normal three weeks post op??

    Am very scared and worried. Why has this happened!

    Thanks Jo

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