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Posts posted by Jacs

  1. My bleed was on 10/11/2013. It was a PSAH. My follow up is November 18th with the neurosurgeon. I am glad I found this website it is very useful in helping me evaluate what I am experiencing as normal. When I was discharged from the hospital I was not given any really useful information in regards to what I may experience during the next few months. They discharged me and acted as if in 2 weeks all should be well because 1 there wasn't an aneurysm and 2 that is when they expected I should be able to return to work. I was given Vicodin because I would have headaches but they should be gone by then as well.

    Well, almost a month later I still have a headache every day but at least now it only takes 2 Vicodin to relieve it for the day but I am glad to say the pain pills finally work :) However, I am easily fatigued and still feel as if I am walking around in a fog. I go back to work tomorrow because I asked for an additional week due to the fact that I was so weak. As I type this I hope it makes sense because it does still hurt to concentrate and I feel light headed/dizzy without the room spinning all the time.

    After reading many posts I see that my follow up will probably not go well because they don't have anything to fix. Should I find a neurologist? I will have a CT scan that day to. I just do not know what to expect. How long will I feel weird??? Why don't these neurosurgeons/neurologist have a clue what we are feeling? Doesn't anyone do research on PSAH? Are there no journals or papers which address our suffering? I guess I am in for a long lonely medical journey :( thank goodness for this website!!!!!!!

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