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Posts posted by Superted

  1. Hi Gemma

    Thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like after the hiccup of a wrong migraine diagnosis, they managed to sort you out and your recovery sounds remarkable! I unfortunately passed out and was put in an induced coma before I had all the MRI/CT scans and the coiling done so I didn't get to see all the cool equipment, other than the few things that I was attached to when I came to in the ICU. Would have loved to see it as I had never heard of coiling before and didn't believe my family to start off with that I had brain surgery and they did it through my groin!!

    Anyway... Take care of yourself and enjoy the cuddles. :)


  2. Noswaith dda /Good evening all

    Thank you all for such encouraging and supportive replies. I've realised that I was pushing myself too hard so I've stopped worrying about things and just taking things one step at a time.

    Daffodil - thank you for all the DVLA information. It really helped a lot. I sent forms away a couple of months ago.I've received another form last week (re. Eyesight rather than SAH) so that has been sent back. Actually speaking to someone at the DVLA has been impossible so this has been valuable info! Also I am finding things that make days easier...earplugs are a god send, as are audiobooks. The only problem is when you lose your place due to falling asleep and then waking up not knowing what's going on! The slow cooker has been used on a daily basis and a my little book of things I'm likely to forget/post it notes have been brill!

    Lin-lin - your experiences and advice gives me something to aim for! Knowing that some people can go back to work and have children makes me feel alot better. I may not be able to, but knowing I may have a chance is good enough for me at the moment! I love my job, so really dont want to give it up! I'm a gog from Gwynedd so I was transferred to Walton in Liverpool rather than Heath- I was so impressed with their care. :) It's definitely reassuring that a natural birth can be possible. You must love being at home with your little boy (lovely name-Osian was on my list, but had a girl instead!)

    Winb143 - thank you for letting me know about the headaches. I think they are becoming less frequent, but just seem more intense when I do have them. Or maybe as I have less and less headaches, when I do get them they seem worse!

    Macca - thank you for your info. I was hoping to go back to work after 6 months.. That would take me to the beginning of May...but from ppl's comments on here, I'm not too sure. That's still 3months away, so I have plenty of time.

    Louise/Tina - thank you for your lovely words and supportive comments. :)

    A lot of people ask me how my headaches are by now and I tell them they are getting better. But what actually cause the headaches now? I know that having things prodded in my head (coil wire) and the blood from the SAH will have caused irritation, but the blood should be reabsorbed by now, right? When people ask me this, I just say the whole process of the SAH and coiling will be the cause. But it seems odd to have times of the day when you dont feel a thing, then a banging headache afterwards. Just wondering if there's anything else causing headaches (read about ohantom headaches so worried that the pain is all in my head (excuse the pun!)...)

    I've been doing a bit of yoga tonight which was nice and relaxing, so I'm thinking of continuing with that. I used to do a lot of exercise, but I know I wont be able to do what I used to be able to, so yoga is a nice alternative at the moment.

    I go for my first neurovascular clinic in just over a week, so hopefully that will be ok.

    Hope you are all ok.


  3. Hi all

    Just wanted to say a quick hello. Came across this website whilst looking for info regarding SAH- I forget now what (something that happend rather regularly at the moment) and found it a real help.

    I'm 30yrs old (well only just...10 more days and I'll be 31) and suffered from SAH on Saturday, November 2nd 2013. I was walking up the high street of our local town with my husband and 2yr old little girl when all of a sudden I had the most horrendous pain in the head. 10 mins later I come round to see paramedics all around me. I walk to the ambulance and was feeling rather horrible during the 5-10min ride to the local A&E. Minutes after arriving I blacked out again and woke up in the Walton Centre's ICU 3 days later. During that time I had a seizure at A&E and was promptly put into an induced coma by the A&E doctor..which probably saved my life. After a few CT/MRI scans I was transferred to Liverpool and had the coiling done on the Monday morning. To everyone's suprise, I came to in the afternoon but was sedated again till the following day.

    Following the op, I spent 3 nights in ICU, then another week on the neuro ward before, to my suprise, being discharged to go home. I have mild headaches daily, get tired quite easily, but my eyesight has vastly improved. I suffered from double vision quite badly, but managed to get rid of the patch a few weeks ago, and now I alternate between my usual glasses (blind as a bat, even before the SAH) and my glasses with a prism film.

    I know it's early days but I get a bit frustrated. My family, bless them, are absoluty fantastic but are very protective. It's probably me trying to run before walking, but I'm such an independent person and not used to having to rely on people.

    I know it's different for everyone, but how long was it for people to do the following;

    1) Drive again

    2) Able to be on their own (the neuro nurse said I shouldnt be on my own when my anti convulsants are being reduced)

    3) Go back to work

    Would also be interested to hear from any teachers out there. I know I'm not ready to stand in front of a class yet, but I am quite worried about the workload-it'll be tough doing a full day of teaching, let alone the 3-4 prep/marking I used to do after little one went to bed.

    Also... I'm still young(ish) and my husband and I were thinking of possibly expanding the family this year. Anyone out there that have had children post SAH.

    Thanks for reading and I'm so glad to have found this site.


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