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Posts posted by Gaily

  1. Annie, My name is Gail and I had the exact thing happen to me on 1/1/2012. No aneurism, just a burst vessel. What you describe above is exactly the way I have felt - horrible. I very slowly began to feel better, it took months so try and be patient with yourself. I kept reminding myself about taking baby steps. I suffered miled executive cognitive damage and believe me, I noticed it. The fatigue and depression was very hard to deal with. Try and remember your starting point of recovery, that helped me - when I got out of the hospital I couldn't stay awake longer than a couple of hours at a time. I went back to work full time in July of 2012. That's all I was able to do - work then sleep for quite a few months. But I noticed that slowly over time I was staying awake and alert into the evening.

    I bought a nutribullet just before Thanksgiving (2013) and have been having a veggie/fruit smoothie every morning. I can really tell a difference in my energy so that is something to consider, try and get good nutrients into your body so your brain has more sources for healing.

    Hang in there and I'm glad you are still with us - many blessings to you. Keep taking baby steps and you will get there!

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